WORD (শব্দ)
শব্দ হলো একাধিক বর্ণের সমষ্টি যার অর্থ বা মানে থাকে ।যখন কয়েকটি বর্ণ পাশাপাশি বসে সম্পূর্ণ অর্থ প্রকাশ করে, তখন তাকে শব্দ বলে। [cat, rat, pen etc.] A ‘word’ is a letter or group of letters with meaning. Letters in proper arrangement give out a sense, is word. Example: apple, balloon, camel, horse, potato, rise, good, badly, but, Alas! Etc.
একটি মাত্র শব্দ দিয়েও Word গঠিত হতে পারে: যেমন- I, a; Example: – I am a student.
দুটি letter যুক্ত শব্দ: যেমন- we, my, me, us, an, he, is, am, up, on, no, ox, go, in, it etc. প্রয়োগ – It is in.
তিন বা তার বেশি letter যুক্ত word: cat, bat, rat, cut, gun, sun, moon, rose, monkey, student, father, animation, computer;
SIMILAR WORD বা SYNONYM (সমার্থক শব্দ)
কোন শব্দের একই অর্থ প্রকাশক যে সকল শব্দ গুলি পাওয়া যায়, তাদেরকে সমার্থক শব্দ বলে। সমার্থক শব্দের ক্ষেত্রে শব্দ দুটির অর্থের অভিন্নতাই প্রধান বৈশিষ্ট্য অর্থাৎ শব্দ দুটির রূপ আলাদা থাকবে কিন্তু তার অর্থ একই হতে হবে। A word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase, is called Synonym of that word or phrase. Example:
Occur (ঘটা) : happen | Quiet (শান্ত) : silent | Reject (প্রত্যাক্যান) : deny | Sick (অসুস্থ) : ill |
Ask (জিজ্ঞাসা করা) : enquiry | Small (ছোটো) : tiny | Big (বড়ো) : large | Child (শিশু) : kid |
Student (শিক্ষার্থী) : pupil | Jungle (জঙ্গল) : forest | To know more follow the page – vocabulary |
ANTONYM OR OPPOSITE WORD (বিপরীতার্থক শব্দ)
. যখন দুটি শব্দের মধ্যে অর্থের বৈপরীত্য লক্ষ্য করা যায়, তখন তাদের বিপরীতার্থক শব্দ বলে। যখন কোন একটি শব্দের অর্থ দ্বারা অন্য একটি ভিন্ন শব্দের সম্পূর্ণ বিপরীত অর্থ প্রকাশ করা হয়, তখনই সেই শব্দটিকে তার বিপরীতার্থক শব্দ বলা যায়।
A word opposite in meaning to another word, is called the Antonym of the word
Good (ভালো) : bad | Big (বড়ো) : small | Day (দিন) : night | Question (প্রশ্ন): answer |
Black (কালো) : white | Able (সামর্থ) – unable | Always (সর্বদা) – never | Old (বৃদ্ধ) – young |
Kind (দয়ালু) – mean | rich (ধনি) –poor | Up (উপরে) – down | Pull (টানা) – push |
HOMONYM (সমোচ্চারিত ভিন্নার্থক শব্দ)
দুটি শব্দের উচ্চারণ ও বানান একই কিন্তু অর্থ ভিন্ন হলে তাকে Homonyms বলে।
Each of two or more words having the same spelling or pronunciation but different meanings and origins, are called Homonym.
act –ক্রিয়া বা কৃতকার্য। | bat – বাদুড় | arm –অস্ত্র | Foot –পরিমাপ |
act – নাটকের অংশ। | bat – খেলার ব্যাট। | arm –বাহু | Foot –পায়ের পাতা |
own – নিজস্ব | firm – দৃঢ় বা বলিষ্ঠ | Well -কুয়ো | kind – দয়ালু |
own – অধিকার | firm – কোনো ব্যবসায়িক প্রতিষ্ঠান। | Well –ভালো | kind – ধরণ |
lie – মিথ্যা কথা বলা | lock –তালা | Rose -গোলাপ | Dear –প্রিয় |
lie – শুয়ে থাকা | lock –চুলের গোছা | Rose -উঠেছিলো | Dear -দামী |
উচ্চারণ একই কিন্তু বানান ও অর্থ আলাদা হলে ওই শব্দকে Homophone বলে। Each of two or more words having the same pronunciation but different meanings origins and spellings, is called Homophone.
Example: Plain সমভূমি Plan পরিকল্পনা Plane সমতল
লক্ষ্য করো Cat ও Rose –শব্দদুটিকে একক প্রয়াসে উচ্চারণ করা যাচ্ছে। কিন্তু Mango কে দ্বি-প্রয়াসে, Radio কে তিন বারে, Cauliflower কে চারবারে এবং Hippopotamus –শব্দকে পাঁচটি ছোটো ছোটো দলে ভেঙে উচ্চারণ করা হচ্ছে। লক্ষ্যণীয় বিষয় হলো যে, কোনো Word কে বাগ্যন্ত্রের একক প্রয়াসে উচ্চারণ করা হয়। আবার কিছু Word কে দুই বা ততধিক দলে ভেঙে উচ্চারণ করা হয়।
Syllable: – কোনো শব্দ বা Word –এর যতটুকু অংশ বাগ্যন্ত্রের একক প্রয়াসে উচ্চারণ করা যায়, ততটুকু অংশকেই Syllable বা দল বা শব্দাংশ বলে। (Word –এর যে অংশটুকু আমরা একবারে সহজে উচ্চারণ করতে পারি সেই অংশকে Syllable বলে)।
A Syllable is a sound or combination of sounds pronounced at a time or at a single effort of the voice.
আমরা জানি Vowel Sound –এর সাহায্য ছাড়া Consonant Sound কে উচ্চারণ করা যায় না। কেবল ‘I’ এবং ‘A’ শব্দ দুটি ছাড়া প্রতিটি Word -ই এক বা একাধিক Vowel Sound নিয়ে গঠিত। A Syllable is form by at least one vowel (a, e, I, o, u যেমন– a, the, ba-na-na, cam-er-a) একটি Vowel দিয়ে গঠিত শব্দ যেমন- I, A, Dog, Cat, Pen, Hen, Bat, Rat প্রভৃতিতে কেবলমাত্র একটি করে Vowel আছে। কিন্তু Dipthong এ দুই বা দুইয়ের অধিক Vowel একসাথে মিলিত হয়ে একটি Vowel Sound এ পরিণত হয়ে Word গঠিত হয়, তখন ওই Vowel গুলিকে ভাঙা যায় না। যেমন- Tea, Pea, Sea, Eat, Die, Lie, Eye, Moon, Tree, Nose, Blue, One, Coin, Sound, Beau প্রভৃতিতে একাধিক Vowel একত্রে মিলে একটি Vowel Sound এ পরিণত হয়ে Monosyllabic শব্দ তৈরি করছে।
Syllable –এর সাহায্যে আমরা ইংরেজীর বড় শব্দগুলিকে ভেঙ্গে সহজেই উচ্চারণ করতে পারি। একটি বড় Word এর এক-একটি Syllable ভাগের সময় ‘-‘ চিহ্ন ব্যবহার করা হয়।
& একটি Vowel Sound, একটি Vowel নিয়ে বা একাধিক Vowel নিয়ে গঠিতহতে পারে।
যেমন: A, cat, heart, book, love, meet, owl, heav-y, beau-ti-ful, cup-board, e-li-mi-nate.
Syllable পাঁচ প্রকার
Syllable | Definition | Example |
i. Mono Syllable [One vowel Sound] এক শব্দাংশ | যে word একই বারে উচ্চারিত হয় | Bat, Fat, Mat, Rat, Man, Cut, Run, Met, Dog, Cow, Pen, Dew, Few, New, Blew, Die, Lie, Tie, Eat, Pea, Sea, Tea, feet, moon, cake, break, big, pig, fat, five, dead, read, black, white, love, weak, wise, cool, board, bought etc. |
ii.Di-Syllable [Two vowel Sound] দুই শব্দাংশ | যে word – এ দুটি Syllable থাকে | Father = Fa-ther, Mother = Mo-ther, Engine = En-gine, Diet = Di-et, Teacher = Tea-cher, Doctor = Doc-tor, Wa-ter = Water. Baby = Ba-by, Able = A-ble, Freedom = Free-dom, Happy = Hap-py etc. |
iii.Tri-Syllable [Three vowel Sound] তিন শব্দাংশ | যে word–এ তিনটি Syllable থাকে | Hospital = Hos-pi-tal, Beautiful = Beau-ti-ful, Butterfly = Bu-tter-fly, Position = Po-si-tion, To-ge-ther = Together, Banana = Ba-na-na, Bicycle = Bi-cy-cle etc. |
iv. Tetra-Syllable [Four vowel Sound] চার শব্দাংশ | যে word-এ চারটি Syllable থাকে | Television = Te-le-vi-sion, Photography = Pho-to-gra-phy, Economy = E-co-no-my, Satisfaction = Sa-tis-fac-tion, Examination = Exa-mi-na-tion, Reconstruction = Re-con-struc-tion, Interesting = In-te-res-ting etc. |
v. Poly-Syllable [Five or more vowel Sound] পাঁচ বা পাঁচের অধিক শব্দাংশ | যে word –এ পাঁচ বা তার অধিক Syllable থাকে | Manipulation = Ma-ni-pu-la-tion, University = U-ni-ver-si-ty, Atomobilization = A-to-mo-bi-li-za-tion, Advertisement = Ad-ver-ti-se-ment, Environmental = En-vi-ron-men-tal, Communication = Co-mmu-ni-ca-tion etc. |
Stressed Syllable: একাধিক Syllable যুক্ত Word এর মধ্যে যে Syllable একটু জোরে উচ্চারণ করা হয়, সেই Force যুক্ত Syllable কে Stressed Syllable বা Accented Syllable বলে। এবং Word এর যে অংশ হাল্কা উচ্চারণ করা হয়, সেই উচ্চারণ কারা হয় সে অংশকে Unstressed Syllable বলে। Stressed Syllable এর চিহ্ন (বাংলা ‘রেফ্’ এর মতো। যেমন- Water.
Exercise: Read the text carefully and follow the divisions of syllables given below:
Sunil was going to a new school. He did not like the school at all. He was a quiet boy. He never had a fight in his life. There was a bully in his class. He used to beat, take away tiffin and make the boys do his homework. Life had become miserable for Sunil. But he could never gather the courage to protest. Meanwhile, a new boy came to his class. He started facing the same problem. One day, Sunil saw the bully beating the boy. He could not endure it any more. The boy was weeping. Sunil decided to protest. He went and stood before the bully. He was pushed away but he did not move. That was the first day Sunil hit someone. He did so to save his friend. He never knew he could do it. Everyone in the class was delighted. Sunil was emerged as a savior unknowingly.
Oishi is an important football player of Purulia Motijheel Team. Apart from Oishi, Jhulan is also a famous player. In a match last year they defeated the Bankura Team. The match started at 10:00 a.m. In the first half Bankura team scored a goal. Puruliya could not match them. The opponent team was strong enough. So all the supporters of the Purulia team, were a little bit anxious. But the miracle happened in the second half. Oishi and Jhulan played very well. It was a challenge to both of them. Jhulan scored the first goal. Five minutes end, Oishi scored the second goal. It was the winning goal. The supporters cheered from the gallery. Some of the players of her team piled over her. Oh! It was a wonderful moment to have a prestigious victory.
Rahul’s uncle is an adventurous traveller. He visits many places. He has seen forests, hills, seas and deserts. On his return, he tells Rahul about the place he has visited. He says that each place has its own charm. Rahul likes the forest most. It is full of big trees. One can see many animals there. It is full of freshness and life. Different flowers and animals add beauty to the forest. Some forests even have waterfalls and rivers following through them. His uncle has seen people living in forests. These people are very simple but brave.
Rivu is my brother. He has extreme love for aquatic animals. He wishes to travel on waterways with a boat owned by him. He wants to go beyond the boundary of vision. “I would dip my hand into the water and touch those colourful creatures,” he exclaims. “Never block, challenge, disturb or snatch an animal,” father warns him. Mili, his sister never wants to go to the waterways in fear of the alligators.
The old teacher was a simple man. He spent his life teaching the children of the village. Even the Zamindar loved and respected him. One day, a boy came running to him for help. He had a lot of money with him. The money was to help the freedom fighters. The police was looking for him and he needed to hide. The old teacher was surprised. He took the boy to the Zamindar. The Zamindar had good terms with the local police. The money must reach the leaders by that night. The Zamindar took the boy in. He dressed as a woman. Along with the woman of the house, he was sent to a fair. The fair was held in the neighbouring village. The police met the woman on the way, but could not catch the boy.
India was in the clutches of the British for more than 200 years. They were very cruel. The Indians did not like them. People fought for the freedom of their motherland. They did not hesitate to follow leaders like Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose; and Mahatma Gandhi. The Indians loved their motherland dearly. They chased them out of the country. India got freedom on 15th August 1947. This day is observed as the Independence Day of India. We hoist the national flag and sing our national anthem “Jana-Gana-Mana” on that day. “Jana-Gana-Mana” was written by Rabindranath Tagore.
Last week Pipi a seven years old girl from Kolkata went to uncle Arun’s house with her father. They stayed there for three days. Pipi’s uncle lives at Kajlatala. Kajlatala is a beautiful village, a distant one form the city. Pipi has never gone to a village before. So, Kajlatala came to her like a creation from a magic wand. She was amazed to see the green paddy fields. She felt that the vast greenery of the field was warmly welcoming her. Pipi was thrilled to know uncle Arun’s profession “Arun is a farmer”- her father informed. “I am familiar with the word farmer. But I have never seen someone doing farming with my own eyes”, Pipi exclaimed in joy. “Tomorrow we will go to the field together”, father assured Pipi.
Exercise: Read the text carefully and follow the divisions of syllables given below: Sunil was going to a new school. He did not like the school at all. He was a quiet boy. He never had a fight in his life. There was a bully in his class. He used to beat, take away tiffin and make the boys do his homework. Life had become miserable for Sunil. But he could never gather the courage to protest. Meanwhile, a new boy came to his class. He started facing the same problem. One day, Sunil saw the bully beating the boy. He could not endure it any more. The boy was weeping. Sunil decided to protest. He went and stood before the bully. He was pushed away but he did not move. That was the first day Sunil hit someone. He did so to save his friend. He never knew he could do it. Everyone in the class was delighted. Sunil was emerged as a savior unknowingly. Oishi is an important football player of Purulia Motijheel Team. Apart from Oishi, Jhulan is also a famous player. In a match last year they defeated the Bankura Team. The match started at 10:00 a.m. In the first half Bankura team scored a goal. Puruliya could not match them. The opponent team was strong enough. So all the supporters of the Purulia team, were a little bit anxious. But the miracle happened in the second half. Oishi and Jhulan played very well. It was a challenge to both of them. Jhulan scored the first goal. Five minutes end, Oishi scored the second goal. It was the winning goal. The supporters cheered from the gallery. Some of the players of her team piled over her. Oh! It was a wonderful moment to have a prestigious victory. Rahul’s uncle is an adventurous traveller. He visits many places. He has seen forests, hills, seas and deserts. On his return, he tells Rahul about the place he has visited. He says that each place has its own charm. Rahul likes the forest most. It is full of big trees. One can see many animals there. It is full of freshness and life. Different flowers and animals add beauty to the forest. Some forests even have waterfalls and rivers following through them. His uncle has seen people living in forests. These people are very simple but brave. Rivu is my brother. He has extreme love for aquatic animals. He wishes to travel on waterways with a boat owned by him. He wants to go beyond the boundary of vision. “I would dip my hand into the water and touch those colourful creatures,” he exclaims. “Never block, challenge, disturb or snatch an animal,” father warns him. Mili, his sister never wants to go to the waterways in fear of the alligators. The old teacher was a simple man. He spent his life teaching the children of the village. Even the Zamindar loved and respected him. One day, a boy came running to him for help. He had a lot of money with him. The money was to help the freedom fighters. The police was looking for him and he needed to hide. The old teacher was surprised. He took the boy to the Zamindar. The Zamindar had good terms with the local police. The money must reach the leaders by that night. The Zamindar took the boy in. He dressed as a woman. Along with the woman of the house, he was sent to a fair. The fair was held in the neighbouring village. The police met the woman on the way, but could not catch the boy. India was in the clutches of the British for more than 200 years. They were very cruel. The Indians did not like them. People fought for the freedom of their motherland. They did not hesitate to follow leaders like Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose; and Mahatma Gandhi. The Indians loved their motherland dearly. They chased them out of the country. India got freedom on 15th August 1947. This day is observed as the Independence Day of India. We hoist the national flag and sing our national anthem “Jana-Gana-Mana” on that day. “Jana-Gana-Mana” was written by Rabindranath Tagore. Last week Pipi a seven years old girl from Kolkata went to uncle Arun’s house with her father. They stayed there for three days. Pipi’s uncle lives at Kajlatala. Kajlatala is a beautiful village, a distant one form the city. Pipi has never gone to a village before. So, Kajlatala came to her like a creation from a magic wand. She was amazed to see the green paddy fields. She felt that the vast greenery of the field was warmly welcoming her. Pipi was thrilled to know uncle Arun’s profession “Arun is a farmer”- her father informed. “I am familiar with the word farmer. But I have never seen someone doing farming with my own eyes”, Pipi exclaimed in joy. “Tomorrow we will go to the field together”, father assured Pipi. |
Words | Syllabic division | Usage | Meaning/Syllable |
Opponent | Op-po-nent | The two brothers are playing in the opponent teams. | Competitors/player of the opposite side. বিপক্ষ |
Supporter | Sup-port-er | We are supporters of India | Followers. সমর্থক |
Anxious | Anx-ious | My mother is anxious about my result. | Worried. উদবিগ্ন |
Miracle | Mi-ra-cle | The fairy turned the pumpkin to a car by miracle. | An unexpected and wonderful incident/a welcome event not natural; অলৌকিক ঘটনা। |
Uneven | Un-e-ven | It is difficult to walk on uneven road. | Rough. অসমতল |
Severe | Se-vere | His father had severe illness. | Harsh/serious. কঠিন/কষ্টকর |
Stunned | Stunned | The road accident stunned him. | Shocked;হতভম্ভ করেছিল। |
Murmured | Mur-mured | John murmured to himself. | Spoke softly. বিড়বিড় করে বলেছিল। |
Cheered | Che-ered | John cheered for the school team. | Shouted with joy. উল্লাস ধ্বনি করেছিল। |
Piled | Piled | The papers were piled on the desk. | Heaped/placed on top of one another. স্তূপ করে রাখা, একটার ওপর আর একটা। |
Victory | Vic-to-ry | The Indian cricket team got victory against Australia. | Win. জয়। |
Challenge | Chal-lenge | Merry won the challenge given to her. | Invite to engage in a contest/test/trial. প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বিতা/যুদ্ধের আহ্বান। |
Extreme | Ex-treme | In summer we feel extreme heat. | Highest/maximum. সবচেয়ে বেশি। |
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