Compound sentence examples



Co-ordinate Conjunction –এর সাহায্যে Compound sentence –এর গঠন.

দুই বা ততোধিক Principal Clause বা Main clause যখন Co-ordinating Conjunction দ্বারা যুক্ত থাকে, তখন তাকে Compound sentence বলে।–এক্ষেত্রে Sub-ordinate থাকতে পারে কিন্তু Main Clause থাকবেই।
Repetition বা দূর করার জন্য Compound Sentence অনেক সময় সংক্ষিপ্ত রূপে ব্যবহৃত হয়। যেমন-
John listened and read and wrote and spoke. = John listened, read, wrote and spoke. লক্ষ করো ‘and’ শেষ idea –এর পূর্বে ব্যবহৃত হয়েছে এবং তার পূর্বে কমা (,) ব্যবহার করা হয়েছে।
A compound sentence has at least two independent clauses that have related ideas. Here clauses are joined by co-ordinating conjunctions or by a semicolon.

John wrote the letter. She posted it.John wrote the letter and posted it.
Tom passed the test. John also passed the test.Tom as well as John passed the test.
He has many admirers. He also has several detractors.Not only has he many admirers but also several detractors.
He is ill. He is cheerful.He is ill but cheerful.
He is rich. He is miserable.He is rich yet miserable.
Tom is ambitious. His brother is quite the reverse.Tom is ambitious whereas his brother is quite the reverse.
You can go by bus. You can go by train.You can go by bus or train.
He does not smoke. He does not drink.
He neither smokes nor drinks. OR
Neither does he smoke nor does he drink.
You must work hard. You will not win.You must work hard otherwise you will not win.

1. Cumulative or Copulative (সংযোজক): It adds one statement to other

And (এবং), both, both and, as well as: এগুলি দুই বা ততোধিক সমপর্যায়ের Word বা Phrase বা Clause কে যুক্ত করতে ব্যবহৃত হয়।

And:Rahul is brave. Rahul is intelligent.
I finished my home work. I went for dinner.
God made the world. Man made the town.
Rahul is brave and intelligent.
I finished my home work and I went for dinner.
God made the world and man made the town.
Both:Sumita is beautiful. She is intelligent.Sumita is both beautiful and intelligent.
Both and:Rahul speaks Hindi. He speaks English.Rahul speaks both Hindi and English.
As well as:Mahi was punished. Dev was punished.
Teachers were invited. Students were invited.
Mahi as well as Dev was punished.
Teachers as well as students were invited.
Not only—but also:Rahul was fined. Rahul was expelled.
I was present. All my friends were present.
Men like wealth. They like social position.
Rita is lazy. She is insincere.
Parul is sweet. She is clever.
Nur is cute. Moon is cute.
Rahul was not only fined but also expelled.
Not only I was present but also my friends were present.
Men not only like wealth but also social position.
Rita is not onle lazy but also insincere.
Parul is not onle sweet but also clever.
Not only Nur but also Moon is cute.

NOTE: Singular Subject যদি as well as –এর সাথে যুক্ত হয়, তবে Singular Verb ব্যবহৃত হয় কিন্তু Plural Subject এর সাথে যুক্ত হলে Plural Verb ব্যবহৃত  হয়।

2. Adversative: বিপরীতভাব প্রকাশক অব্যয়: দুটি বিপরীত ধর্মী Word, Phase বা Clause কে যুক্ত করে। It expresses opposition or contrast between two statements.
ButRahul is poor. He is honest.
Life is short. It is sweet.
The rope was thin. It was strong.
Rahul is poor but honest.
Life is short but sweet.
The rope was thin but it was strong.
StillHe is rich. He is unhappy.He is rich still he is unhappy.
YetThe matter is painful. He did not complain.
Rahul work hard. He failed.
Rahul worked hard yet he failed.
The matter is painful yet he did not complain.
NeverthelessHe has lot of faults. I admire him very much.
There was little chance of success. They decided to go ahead.
He has lot of faults nevertheless I admire him very much. There was little chance of success nevertheless they decided to go ahead.
HoweverHe was very much annoyed. He kept quiet.He was very much annoyed however he kept quiet.
YET: -এর ব্যবহার But–এর মতই কিন্তু But –এর থেকে বেশী stronger অর্থ (sense) প্রোয়োগের জন্য yet ব্যবহৃত হয়
3. Alternative: বিকল্পসূচক অব্যয়। It presents a choice between two alternatives

Or (এটা না হয়, ওটা): বিকল্প বা Choice –এর ক্ষেত্রে ব্যবহৃত হয়।


Make haste. You will be late.Make haste or you will be late.
Govern your passion. They will govern you.Govern your passion or they will govern you.

Nor (নয়/নহে): Nor –এর ব্যবহার তখন হয় যখন Clause টি Negative –এ থাকে এবং শেষের Clause এর ‘not’ কে তুলে দিতে হয়।

He does not play cricket. He does not play football.He does not play cricket nor does he play football.
I shall
not give him this book. I shall not even give this to his brother. 
I shall not give him this book nor even his brother.

Neither: Neither –এর ব্যবহার হয় যখন Clause টি negative –এ থাকে, এবং শেষের Clause এর ‘not’ কে তুলে দিতে হয়।

NeitherRahul does not smoke. He does not drink.Rahul does not smoke nor does he drink.


ElseRun fast. You will be late.Run fast else you will be late.
OtherwiseMend your character. You will suffer.Mend your character otherwise you will suffer.

Either — or / whether — or: -এই দুটি Choice –এর ক্ষেত্রে ব্যবহৃত হয়।‘হয় এটা, না হয় ওটা’ বোঝায়। সমপর্যায়ের দুটি থেকে একটি বাছতে ব্যবহৃত হয়।

  Either ….. or
Rekha can do it. Mita can do it.Either Rekha or Mita can do it.
You did it. Your friends did it.Either you or your friends did it.
You can read. You can write.Either you can read or write.
You can take coffee. You can take tea.Either you can take coffee or tea.
   Either –or –এর স্থানে Whether –or ব্যবহৃত হয়।

Neither — nor: -এটা ও না ওটা ও না অর্থাৎ দুটির মধ্যে কোনোটাই ‘না’ বোঝাতে ব্যবহৃত হয়। Neither বাক্যের শুরুতে এবং nor মাঝখানে ব্যবহৃত হয়।‘not’কে তুলে দিতে হয়।

Neither …nor
The banks are not open. The post offices are not open.
He could not stand up. He could not lie down.
He can not read English. He can not read Bengali.
She is not happy. She is not sad.
Mita can not play cricket. Gita can not play cricket. 
Neither the banks nor the post offices are open.
He could neither stand up nor lie down.
He can neither read English nor Bengali.
She is neither happy nor sad.
Neither Mita nor Gita can play cricket.

Note: Either – or বা Neither – nor –এরপর ব্যবহৃত Subject টির Number Person অনুসারে Subject ও Verb এর পরিবর্তন হয়।

Rahul has written it. His sister has written it.Either Rahul or his sister has written it.
The manager is not present. His assistants are not present.Neither the manager nor his assistants are present.
4. ILLATIVE: (সিদ্ধান্তবাচক): By this one statement or fact is inferred or proved from another.

So (-ওইজন্যবাতাই):

SoIt was getting dark. We went home.It was getting dark so we went home.
ThereforeThe man is dishonest. Rahul does not believe him.The man is dishonest therefore Rahul does not believe him.
HenceNetaji died for us.We honour him.Netaji died for us hence we honour him.
ForWe will die one-day. Man is mortal.We will die one day for man is mortal.
ConsequentlyThey did not believe me. I had to give them proofs.They did not believe me consequently I had to give them proofs.
Join the following pairs in compound sentences.
1.Ram is wise.  Ram is gentle. (and)
 2. They arrived early at the show. They had great seats. (and)
3. My family has never been to Washington. We have seen Boston. (but)
4. I really like chocolate cake. I am too full for dessert. (but)
5. We could start the movie now. We could wait for Julia to arrive. (or)
6. Manish finished his homework. We can go play outside. (so)
7. She does not play the piano. She does play the flute. (but)
8. The cake is dry. The caramel sauce is good. (but)
9.  A small kitten followed me home. I gave it a bowl of milk. (so)
10. We were lost in the woods. My brother had a map in his backpack. (but)
11. The girls were painting animal pictures. Katrina spilled the paint. (and)
12. The tigers at the zoo are always sleeping. The penguins are fun to watch. (but)
13. We were lost in the woods. My brother had a map in his backpack. (but)
14. Anu’s bicycle had a flat tire. She had to walk to the grocery store. (so)
15.Nishi  wants to be an artist when he grows up. Meena wants to be a nurse. (and)
16.The tigers at the zoo are always sleeping. The penguins are fun to watch. (but)
1. John likes video games. John likes reading.
2. Sandeep must study. Sandeep will not pass the test.
3.The boy plays basketball. The boy plays soccer.
4. My mom will sleep. My mom will rest.
5. He likes me. I don’t like him.
6. I am going to  Delhi. I will stay there for a week.
7. Make haste. You will be late.
8. Hate begets hate. Love begets love.
9.He drew his sword. He rushed upon the enemy.
10.Pofessor Gupta was late. He missed the train.
  12.He was wrong. He was punished.
13.Good boys work. Bad boys make mischief.
14.He is lazy. He scored good marks.
15.The girl played volleyball. The boys did not play.
16.Come with me. Stay at home.
  Combine the following pairs of sentences using either…or or neither…nor.  
1. I don’t like Stephen. I don’t like Peter.
2. He keeps the keys himself. Or he leaves them with his wife.
3. He did not come. He did not call.
4. He wasn’t wearing a shirt. He wasn’t wearing a coat.
5. He will not come here. He will not send a representative.
6. He may attend the function. Or his wife may attend the function.
7. Give me freedom. Or give me death.
8. He must have done this. Or his brother must have done this.
1. I shall eat mango or guava.
2.They will eat meat or fish.
3.You can love or hate.
4.He is smart or naughty.
5.You may do the work today or tomorrow.
 6.You can take tea or coffee.
 7.You can stay or come with us
8.She is selfish or kind.
  1. I shall not eat meat or fish.
2.You cannot love or hate.
3.He is not smart and naughty.
4.You cannot take tea or coffee.
5.She is not selfish or kind.
6.Tia and Ria did not come here.
7.Rumela and Pamela did not attend the class.  

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