

        Paragraph Writing

A Paragraph is a brief piece of writing that revolves around a topic with the help of a group of sentences.

How to conceptualize a Paragraph prior to writing?                  কীভাবে অনুচ্ছেদ লিখতে হবে:

1. প্রথমে উত্তর-সংকেতগুলো খুব খুঁটিয়ে পড়বে এবং বিষয়টির ব্যাপারে ভাববে। যে বিষয়টি দেওয়া হয়েছে তার একটা পরিষ্কার ধারণা থাকা দরকার। 2. শুরুতে তোমার নিজস্ব চিন্তা ব্যক্ত করো। সেটাই হবে অনুচ্ছেদের ভূমিকা। 3. অনুচ্ছেদের উত্তর-সংকেতগুলো প্রসারিত করো। বাক্যগুলোর যেন একে অপরের সাথে সম্পর্ক থাকে। 4. শেষ বাক্যে অনুচ্ছেদের মূল কথাটি বলতে হবে। এটিই অনুচ্ছেদের উপসংহার। তাই এটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ হওয়া চাই। 5. ব্যকরণগত ভুল যেন না হয়। এই ভুলে নাম্বার কাটা যাবে। তাই পয়েন্টগুলোর দিকে তীক্ষ্ণ দৃষ্টি রেখে শুদ্ধ ইংরেজি লিখতে হবে। সহজ-সরল ও ছোটো বাক্য লিখবে।বাক্যের গঠন যেন জটিল না হয়।Tense অনুযায়ী Verb –এর গঠন যেন ঠিক থাকে। মূলত Present Indefinite Tense এ Paragraph লিখতে হয়।অনর্থক কঠিন শব্দ ব্যবহার করবেনা। শব্দের ভান্ডার সমৃদ্ধ করতে হবে যাতে কোনো শব্দের যেন পুনরাবৃত্তি না হয়। এই কথাটি অনুচ্ছেদ লেখার সময় এবং তোমার বই-এর অনুচ্ছেদগুলো পড়ার সময় খেয়াল রাখবে।Subject ও Verb –এর পারস্পরিক সম্পর্কের দিকে খেয়াল রাখবে। Articles, Prepositions ও Syntax –এর দিকে নজর রাখতে হবে। মূলত 3rd Person Singular Number Subject -এর জন্য Singular Verb ব্যবহার করতে হবে। Sub + V1 (s/es) + Others.Capital letter, spelling, proper word, punctuation, tense, mood খেয়াল রাখতে হবে।Paragraph লেখার আগেই ভয় পেয়োনা, অনুচ্ছেদের পয়েন্টগুলো মন দিয়ে পড়লে, ভালোভাবে চিন্তা করলে তোমার মনোবল ফিরে পাবে এবং তুমি সহজে লিখতে পারবে।
            My  Village I adore my village, Rabanpur just as my mother because I was born and brought up there. It is located in Uttar Dinajpur district, West Bengal. It is a picturesque village on the bank of a meandering river. There are green paddy fields, pasture land and meadows along with lush green vegetation. There are more than thousand families in our village. Some houses are mud-baked while some are brick-built. The main occupation of the villager is farming although some people work in schools and government offices.  There is a primary school, a temple and a mosque in our village. Hindu, Muslim and Christian live here in a perfect harmony. We celebrate Durga Puja, Eid and Christmas together. We are very happy here. We love our village and enjoy its serene beauty.                                                   

þ     My likes and dislikes

Like everyone I have some likes and dislikes. I like to play football in the evening with my friends. During leisure I prefer to read short story with melodious music on. The   murmuring sounds of river, the twittering of birds, gentle breeze, the open green fields of crops, the blue sky kissing the earth at dusk during Autumn attract me much. At night I love to watch the twinkling stars, the soft light of moon. I prefer eating sweets and home food prepared by my mother. I get much pleasure on watching discovery channel and animal planet. During vacation I enjoy travelling   to mountains for its scenic beauty. I love honest, polite and simple person who cares others.  At the same time I dislike hypocrisy and gossiping. I hate false notion, religious and communal disorder. I do not like playing games on mobile, advertisement and serial on TV.  I extremely hate mechanical ways of teaching. I utterly dislike pollution and corruption that are swelling rapidly in our society.

þ Importance of reading newspaper

Newspapers satisfy our thirst for knowledge. It acts as the mirror of world. It presents before us a daily dish of varities of news on home and abroad. It helps us to acquire knowledge on current affairs, trade, commerce and cinema. They supply us with the latest news of politics, sports, literature and science. It also provides views and other matters of public interest. The editorial columns highlight and promote public opinion. They not only act as our companions during our leisure but also enrich our stock of words and knowledge. It acts as a tool for developing correct spelling and latest use of words. It has brought the entire world in our drawing room. Yet, we should always be judicious while accepting different views.

  • A nightmare/A bad dream

Last Saturday I had a fever. Whole night I could not sink into a deep slumber. Towards dawn I was a bit dizzy when I saw a very bad dream. I saw myself lost in a dense forest. Fierce animals were growling, some were fighting with one another. A wild cat pounced upon me. I bent down and escaped an injury. A litter of hounds began to bark at me. I was utterly frightened. Just at that moment a stag came there grazing. The hounds at once shifted their attention to the stag. Sensing a danger the stag ran away and the hounds began to chase him. I felt relieved but still was helpless. Tears rolled down my cheeks. Stealthily I started walking to get out of the woods. I walked on and on until it grew dark. I was so helpless that I shouted for help. Suddenly my mother rushed to the spot and I hugged her tightly. I opened my eyes and found my mom beside my bed. The nightmare ended and the reality began.

þ  The educational value of sport      or The value of games and sports

A Sound mind dwells in a sound body. The pupils as well as youngsters acquire physical fitness in playground. At the same time they learn obedience and discipline. These virtues build up the character and personality of a man. It is a great source of pleasure and amusement. Games and sports mould the body, give it excellent shape and strength. It imports the lessons of concentration, co-operation, perseverance to the participants and inculcates in them self-confidence and fellow-feelings. It teaches how to team up and to take right decisions at the right moment. It also teaches how to channelize our energy collectively for the purpose of nation-building. It enriches team spirit, fraternity, comradeship and faith. Sports should, therefore, be an indispensable part of school-curriculum to fight against all diseases especially Covid-19.

þ  The Person whom I like the most

The universe goes on harmoniously. The solar system of my family revolves around the old sun, Mr. Arindam Gupta whom I admire and adore most. He is a retired teacher who can teach us any subject easily and interestingly. I enjoy his company much. During morning walk he teaches us the role and blessings of nature. He encourages us to develop self -educating, self-nourishing, self-governing power. He instils in his students the value of discipline, devotion to responsibility, honestly, courage and truthfulness. He has the wonderful ability to motivate students for facing any difficulty. He is a very understanding teacher. He treats students like friends, understands them and solves their problems in the best possible and easiest way. He always remains calm and hates shouting. He is amiable and helpful. Queries never irritate him, and he answers them very politely keeping a sweet smile on lips. Whatever he has achieved in life is the result of his hard work, passion for learning and his strong determination. Playing with us he teaches us the power of living harmoniously with each other. He takes us for outing twice in a year. He is honoured by all for his caring and loving nature.

þ  Early Rising

A healthy mind without a sound body is like a car without fuel. Early rising is a good habit. It has lots of benefits. It is beneficial to our health as well as mind. An early riser begins his day early and has ample time to finish all his tasks. It is the best period in the whole day to exercise. It is free from din and bustles of the everyday life and is an ideal time for preparing lessons. In the early morning we can inhale fresh oxygen and enjoy the calmness of nature that gives us peace of mind. We can enjoy the beauty of nature – the smiling flowers, twittering birds, the rising sun, the morning dew on the soft green grass etc. So, we should make a habit of early rising regularly. An early riser can go to bed early and rise from bed early with fresh energy. To him work is a joy and not a burden. Early rising enables a man to reach his goals early and certainly.

þ  The importance of tree plantations/ The importance of tree / Afforestation.

There is an inseparable bond between man and trees. All lives directly or indirectly owe their existence to trees. They release life supporting oxygen and absorb poisonous carbon-di-oxide. In a hot summer day, the cool shade of a tree is a balm to man. Its branches are places of shelter for various birds and animals. They provide us life-saving medicines, gum, fuel, honey etc. They prevent land erosion and guard us against pollution. They also help in bringing rain. They are our moral teacher, philosopher and our true guide because they teach us how to remain calm in our distress. But it is a pity that trees are felled and chopped indiscriminately every day. Practically we play a suicidal game. Global warming and greenhouse effect are the net outcome of deforestation. All should come forward to plant more and more trees for the survival of living beings.

þ  Seasons of Bengal / The seasons in Bengal

There are six seasons in Bengal. They are summer monsoon, autumn, late autumn, winter and spring. The cycle of seasons in Bengal starts revolving with summer.During summer, the scorching heat of the sun dries up herbs, wells, ponds, canals and river. This season is blessed with rich fruits like mangoes, lichis, jack fruit, watermelons etc. The rains appear in mid-June and fill ponds, rivers and canals with water. This season is welcomed by farmers as rain helps them in cultivation. Next comes autumn with soft sunlight. The sky gets clear and beautiful. It is the season of popular Bengali festivals like Durga Puja, Diwali etc. Then comes winter, the season of Christmas, flowers, fruits, vegetables, feats, fairs and functions. In this season the weather is cool and dry. After desolation of winter, the joyous spring comes with its beauties. During this season, flowers bloom, birds sing, gentle breeze blows. Thus completes the cycle of season.

þ  Covid-19

Covid-19 is a pandemic caused by a virus called Corona Virus. This invisible virus is the most harmful virus of modern times. Covid-19 was first identified during December 2019 in Wuhan city of China. But now this virus has spread to almost all countries of the world. It is a cause of lots of death across the world. The virus is spread in men during close contact. The most common symptoms of corona virus are fever,cough and shortness of breath. Its spread ratio is very fast. We can protect ourselves by wearing a mask, washing hands frequently, using sanitizer and keeping social distance.

þ  Travelling

Man is eager to know the unknown and see the unseen. He is curious by nature. He wants to see with his own eyes, touch with his own hands. Hence we go out for travelling on foot or mechanical carriages. Today travelling is considered as an essential part of education. Knowledge obtained by travelling lasts longer. Books give us only descriptions of something but when we come in contact with them directly, our learning gets completed. It gives us rest from dry and dull duties of monotonous life. It enables us to meet men and know their customs, habits and traditions. Travelling trains our mind and increases our knowledge and wisdom. It broadens our views. Travelling plays an important role in national integration. It creates a feeling of universal brotherhood. Traveller comes in close contact with nature and enjoys its beauty.

þ  Water Crisis

The nectar of the earth is water .Since the beginning of civilization water sustains all living creatures on earth. No water means no life, no vegetation. We use water for drinking, cooking, bathing, cleaning and so on. But only 0.1 percent of total water supply is portable. Experts warn that the source of portable water is rapidly going to be scared in near future. The water scarcity is mostly man made due to thoughtless use and mismanagement of water for irrigation and domestic purposes. It is often found that this vital  natural resources is running out of the road side taps, leaking pipes, electric motor etc. Recently newspaper and television shows us the plight and suffering of people due to the shortage of water in the various regions of India .  People through their social sites express their deep concern on the crisis of water .But it seems we are dead callous to the gravity of the problem. Besides public awareness campaign, Government should take some measures like rain water harvesting, minimum use  of water in cultivation, recycling of water in industrial sectors etc.  Otherwise great consequence is waiting for us in future.

þ Mob lynching

A group of people attacking and beating a person cruelly is known as Mob lynching. The lynchers doubt a person to be guilty of theft, sexual crime, child-lifting, love-jihad, murder, kidnapping girls, stealing cattle and so on. At once they take the law in hand and begin to beat the prey with stick, rod and stone mercilessly, sometimes till death. In recent years mob lynching has become a regular event in India. Audio-visual of this heinous crime is getting viral in social media which has an adverse moral impact in the minds of the youngsters. Our government should take immediate measures against this mob-violence. Moral science should be taught at school to teach that a person can only be prosecuted at a judge’s court. Punishing anybody in the open just for a conjecture is also a punishable crime.


1. Write a paragraph about your parents. You may use the following points:

  • [Most important people in your life – about your father – about your mother – your relation with them – your opinion.]

2. Write a paragraph about your Favourite Subject. You may use the following points:

  • [Points: your favourite subject – why do you like the subject – Specialty of the subject – conclusion.]

3. Write a paragraph about your village. You may use the following points:

  • [Points: name of your village – location of your village – schools – market place – health centre – – other things – number of villages – features – village festivals – conclusion.]

4. Write a paragraph about your Hobby. You may use the following points:

  • [Points: A delightful activity – keeps our sorrow away – your hobby – how you pursue it – conclusion.]

5. Write a paragraph about your Aim in Life. You may use the following points:

  • [Points: introduction – your aim – reasons of your choice – conclusion.]

6. Write a paragraph about a visit to a Village Fair. You may use the following points:

  • [Points: introduction- who went with you – the place where the fair was held – things you saw, articles you bought, food you ate in the fair – your feelings.]

7. Write a paragraph on the Rainy Season. You may use the following points:

  • [Points: comes after summer – extends from June to August – brings comfort – atmosphere – boon for the farmers – flood for too much rain.]

8. Write a paragraph on the Winter Season. You may use the following points:

  • Points: coolest and coldest season – November to January – weather – pies and sweetmeat prepared – colourful flowers and various festivals.

9. Write a paragraph on Newspaper. You may use the following points:

  • Points: introduction – keeps us in constant touch with the world – the mirror of the world – history of one day – daily diary of the human race – carries information for everyone – carries information for everything – life without the newspaper – conclusion.

10. Write a paragraph on Sports. You may use the following points:

  • Points: introduction – a great way to health – keep us healthy and active – give us energy and strength – improve our capability and efficiency – give us joy and happiness of life – conclusion.

11. Write a paragraph on Trees. You may use the following points:

  • Points: most important gift of nature – man’s close relation with trees – help us in many ways – give us fruit and flowers – keep air fresh and improve our environment – prevent floods and droughts – single largest source of oxygen – conclusion.

12. Write a paragraph on our experience of visiting a garden of flowers. You may use the following clues:

  • Points: its location – objects – types of flowers – its effect on you – a beautiful memory that will always linger in your mind.