On Killing a Tree


On Killing a Tree
Gieve Patel

(It is about man’s insensible destruction of trees.) 

1. How does the poet describe the growth of the tree in the poem ‘On Killing a Tree’? Or

Describe in detail the growth of the tree in the …… Or

How is growth of a tree described in Gieve Patel poem?

Answer: In the first stanza of the poem ‘On Killing a Tree’ Gieve Patel sketches the growth of a tree. Just as a baby grows up by feeding milk, so also a tree grows slowly and steadily by consuming the nutrients from the crust of the earth. The tree absorbs sunlight, air, water for years to grow into a big and strong tree. Leaves sprouts out of the bark of the tree to make it look like a full grown tree. The roots of the tree are firmly embedded into the earth’s crust. The tree consumes the water of the soil to mitigate its physical necessities and hence grows into a giant shape. The mother earth nourishes the tree with utmost care. Even if a tree is cut and not pulled out, curled green twigs are born out of the tree trunk.

2.’The bleeding bark will heal’ – How does the tree heal itself? Or

How does the bleeding tree / bark heal itself? Or

How is the life force of the tree described in the poem ‘On Killing a Tree’?

Answer: In his poem ‘On Killing a Tree’ Gieve Patel beautifully depicts the growth, struggle and killing of a tree. The hack and jab of the knife is not sufficient to kill the tree which becomes mature by consuming the nutrients from the crust of the earth. Even when it is hacked and chopped, it feels extreme pain but it does not die. The white and wet roots embedded in the earth protect the tree. The jab of the knife can only inflict on the bark. The tree has strength enough to revive after intense pain is infected on it. The bleeding bark of the tree will heal and curled green twigs grow out of the part of the tree that lies close to the ground. The green twigs slowly grow into miniature boughs and the trees attain its former size by absorbing sunlight, air and water.

3. Central Idea/Message/Thought of the poem/Title. Explain the last line.

Answer: In ‘On Killing a Tree’ Gieve Patel ironically/beautifully depicts the growth, torture, struggle and cold-blooded killing of a tree. The poem focuses on the irony of the Killing of a benefactor by its beneficiary. The cruelty of man is revealed in the description of systemic killing of a tree. Neither a simple jab of the knife nor hacking and chopping can kill a tree. In order to kill a tree completely, the roots of the tree are snapped out and then the uprooted tree has to be exposed to sunlight and air as if it gets scorched, chocked, browned, hardened, twisted and finally withered. The poet indirectly indicates the pathetic death of human being for deforestation. The way a tree is scorching of human species in the heat of the sun due to absence of trees which keep the environment cool. The choking of the uprooted tree suggests the choking of human breath for want of oxygen supplied by the tree. By axing trees man actually pave the way for their own doom.

(As the title ironically points out man’s utter callousness and cruelty towards trees as well as his own fate, it is apt and appropriate.)

4. ” And the strength of the tree exposed” Where does the line occur? What is described as the strength of the tree and why? Or

What is the source of the trees strength? Or

“The source white and wet/the most sensitive hidden/for years inside the earth”- What is the source of the tree? How is it? Why is the source most sensitive one?

Answer: This line occurs in the Gieve Patel’s poem ‘On Killing a Tree’.

The roots of a tree have been described as the strength of a tree. The main source of the trees strength is the roots which helps the trees chiefly in the two ways. Firstly, the roots anchor a tree to the earth to prevent it from falling down and to secure its position. Secondly, the roots keep on absorbing water and other minerals from the earth as food and supply it to the trees. This is the most sensitive ‘white and wet’ part of the tree which was lying inside the earth for years and keeps the trees living. Without the roots the tree cannot grow. That is why; the roots are the real strength of the trees.

Because if these roots are not completely uprooted, they will expand and become a full grown tree again.

5. ‘And then it is done’ – How is a tree completely killed? When and how is it done? How does the poet describe the killing of a tree? Or

‘Not so much pain will do it’ – Where does this line occur? What sort of pain is referred to here? Or

‘So hack and chop/but this alone won’t do it’ – What does it refer to? What methods are used to kill a tree?

Answer: This line occurs in Gieve Patel’s poem ‘On Killing a Tree’.

It refers to the process of killing a tree.

In the poem ‘On Killing a Tree’ Gieve Patel shows how a tree is tortured for complete destruction. Hacking and chopping are generally used to kill a tree. But complete killing of a tree is not an easy task. It takes a long time and strength to kill a tree. Neither a simple jab of the knife nor hacking and chopping can kill a tree. It is difficult task because the roots of the tree are firmly embedded into the earth’s crust consuming the earth and absorbing sunlight, air and water. After hacking and chopping, green twigs and small boughs emerge and grow to former size. So in order to kill a tree, the roots of the tree should be pulled out of the earth. Then it would be roped, tied and snapped out. Then the uprooted tree has to be exposed to sunlight and air as if it gets scorched, chocked, browned, hardened, twisted and finally withered. (Thus a tree completely killed.) (All these stages of tree cutting are no doubt a painful experience on the part of a bleeding tree.)

* The Irony lies in man’s killing of his best friend. (Irony)

* The poem is to aware the readers against reckless felling of trees and urges all to save nature for their own sakes. (Massage) 

* ‘Leaprous hide’ – refers to the discoloured and rough bark of a tree.

* The expression ‘bleeding bark’ indicates that like human being the tree also bleeds. Only hacking and chopping can not kill a tree. (‘Won’t do it) – It refers to hacking and chopping of a tree.

* ‘The earth cave’ refers to the hollow space inside the earth where the roots grow to firmly hold the tree.

* ‘The source white and wet’ refers the roots of a tree. The roots embedded in the earth to protect the tree.

Read More :-Three Questions
