Report writing for M.P & H.S


Report Writing

A report is giving an account of an event of incident or accident that has already taken place. It provides us information.

পরীক্ষায় প্রদত্ত point গুলিকে খুব ভালো করে পড়ে, নিম্নলিখিত প্রশ্ন করতে হবে।

1. কী (what) ঘটেছে? 2. কোথায় (Where) ঘটেছে? 3. কখন (When) ঘটেছে? 4. কীভাবে (How) ঘটেছে? 5. কেন (Why) ঘটেছে? 6. ঘটনাটিতে হতাহত (casualty), ফলাফল (result), বিবরণ (description) কী?

Title –এর প্রথম অক্ষর capital হবে।Who is reporting? জায়গার নাম, তারিখ।
A serious road accident / Five died in a street accident. By a press reporter / By a staff reporter Tungidighi, 15 Jan: __________________________________________________
  • মূল বিষয়টি Past tense –এ লিখতে হবে। ঘটনাটি সহজভাবে গুছিয়ে লিখতে হবে।

_________ What? When? Why? How? Result, reaction…..step taken? àsituation.

Word note:

Report writing template:

Once again a serious/terrible/shocking road accident took place/occurred at Tungidighi on the N.H 34 around 4 pm.আর একবার টুঙ্গিদিঘীর 34নং জাতীয় সড়কে এক ভয়ঙ্কর পথ  দুর্ঘটনা ঘটে বিকাল প্রায় 4টার নাগাদ।
Once again the callousness of a truck driver/the Railway board snatched away/claimed five precious lives and left seven  others injured near Siligui more on the N.H 34 at about 5 pm. yesterday. গতকাল আর একবার ট্রাক ড্রাইভারের উদাসীনতা ৫ টি মূল্যবান জীবন শেষ করল এবং 7 জনকে গুরুতর আহত করল শিলিগুড়ি মোরে 34 নং জাতীয় সড়কে বিকেল পাঁচটা নাগাদ।
The cause of the accident as stated/reported by onlookers was rash driving/overtaking.প্রত্যক্ষদর্শীদের মতে Accident এর কারণ ছিল দ্রূত গাড়ি চালানো।
A Siliguri-bond bus teeming with passengers was rushing from Raiganj towards Siliguri.এক  শিলিগুড়িগামী মিনি বাস যাত্রী বোঝাই করে রায়গঞ্জ থেকে শিলিগুড়ি যাচ্ছিল। 
At that time, as reported, a loaded truck rushing from Siliguri collided head on with a bus coming from opposite direction carrying 35 passengers.রিপোর্ট অনুসারে ঠিক সেই সময় একটি বিপরীতগামী লড়ির সাথে বাসটির মুখোমুখি সংঘর্ষ হয়; বাসটিতে 35 জন যাত্রী ছিল।
The truck rammed the bus so forcefully that it was almost destroyed leaving the passenger in dire stage.লড়িটি বাসকে এত জোরে ধাক্কা মারলো যে বাসটি প্রায় ধ্বংস হয়ে গেলো ফলে যাত্রীদের করূণ পরিস্থিতির মোকাবিলা করতে হল।
As a result 15 passengers including a woman and three children died on the spot.ফলে 15 জন যাত্রীর মধ্যে একজন মহিলা এবং 3জন শিশুর ঘটনা স্থলেই মৃত্যু হল। 
The local people delaying no longer rushed to the spot and rescued the passengers and sent the victims to the district Hospital.স্থানীয় লোকজন ঘটনাস্থলে ছুটে এসে আহতদের গ্রামীন জেলা হাসপাতালে পাঠায়।
According to the doctor, the condition of two was very serious.ডাক্তার এর মতে দুই জনের অবস্থা আশঙ্কা জনক।
Of the deads three could not be identified.মৃতদের মধ্যে তিনজনকে চিহ্নিত করা যায়নি।
However the accident infuriated the local people and they set the lorry on fire and put up a road block suspending the traffic flow for about half an hour. ঘটনাটির ফলে জনতা ক্ষিপ্ত হয়ে লড়িটিতে আগুণ জ্বালিয়ে দেয় এবং আধঘন্টা ট্রাফিক বন্ধ করে দেয়।  
On information, the police arrived at the spot and brought the situation under control. খবর পেয়ে পুলিশ ঘটনাস্থলে পৌঁছোয় এবং পরিস্থিতি নিয়ন্ত্রনে আনে।
The driver of the truck was taken to remand.লড়ির ড্রাইভার কে হেফাজতে নেওয়া হল।
A vast area of Midnapur district including Rampur, Rajnagar and Raniganj block had been/was badly affected by ceaseless rain for the last few days. ক্রমামগত বৃষ্টির দরুণ মেদিনীপুর জেলার রামপুর, রাজনাগর, রানিগঞ্জ অত্যন্ত ক্ষতিগ্রস্থ হয়েছে। 
At least 500 people lost their lives and 15 lac was badly affected.কমপক্ষে 500 জন মানুষ প্রাণ হারিয়েছে এবং 15 লক্ষ মানুষ প্রচন্ড ক্ষতিগ্রস্থ হয়েছে।
It was caused by the weeklong depression over Gangetic West Bengal.এটা ঘটেছে বঙ্গোপসাগরে নিম্নচাপের ফলে।
It has been learnt that many people are still marooned.এটা জানা গেছে যে অনেক মানুষ এখনো জলবন্দি।
It has made people homeless.এটা মানুষকে গৃহহীন করেছে।
It is reported that over 2000 houses and a vast truck of paddy have been submerged into water. এটা রিপোর্ট করা হয়েছে যে 2000 বাড়ি ও বহু শষ্য জলে তলিয়ে গেছে।
The streets were crowded by hundreds of hungry men, women, and children in torn clothes.রাস্তাগুলিতে শত,শত খুধার্ত মানুষ জীর্ণ বস্ত্রে।
Power and telecommunication channels have been completely snapped off.বিদ্যুৎ ও যোগাযোগ ব্যবস্থা সম্পূর্ণ বিচ্ছিন্ন।
Some areas are still out of bounds.কিছু এলাকায়  এখনো যাওয়া যাচ্ছে না।
The suffering of the people knew no limit.জনগনের দুর্যোগের শেষ নেই।
According to an official spokesman, relief work has been launched on war fooling.সরকারী মতে উদ্ধার কাজ অতি দ্রূততার সাথে হচ্ছে।
Welfare organization like Ramkrishna Mission, Bharat Sevashram Sangha have come forward with help.বিভিন্ন সংস্থা সাহায্যের হাত বাড়িয়েছে।
Clothes, food, water and medicine were being distributed by Government.খাদ্য, বস্ত্র, ঔষধ ও জল সরকার দ্বারা বন্টিত হয়েছে।
Meanwhile, the death toll in West Bengal rose to 600.ইতিমধ্যে মৃতের সংখ্যা দাড়িয়েছে 600 জন।
The government announced/promised all help to the flood affected people.সরকার সবরকমের সাহায্যের আশ্বাস দিয়েছে।
A daring bank robbery was committed in the State Bank of Karandighi Branch on 23rd July before a good number of customers. একঝাঁক  ক্রেতার সামনেই 23 তারিখ করণদিঘীর স্টেট ব্যাঙ্কে এক ভয়াবহ ডাকতি হল।
It happened in broad daylight.এটা ঘটেছিল প্রকাশ্য দিবালোকে।
They escaped with jewelry and cash worth about Rs. 5 lacks According to the bank source.ব্যাঙ্কের মতে তারা নগদ 5 লক্ষ ও সোনা নিয়ে পালিয়েছে।
With draggers and fire arm they terrorised the custom. ক্রেতাদের ও কর্মীদের তারা ভয় দেখিয়েছিল  ছুরি ও বন্দুক দিয়ে।
The police were immediately informed.পুলিশকে দ্রুত খবর দেওয়া হয়।
The operation was completed within a few minutes.গোটা ঘটনাটি কয়েক মিমনিটের মধ্যে ঘটে গেল।
The dacoits have fired a few gun-shots and have hurled bombs while escaping.পালানোর সমময়  তারা বোমা এবং গুলি নিক্ষেপ করেছিল।
The police arrived half an hour late.পুলিশ আধাঘন্টা পরে এল।
None has been arrested so far.কাউকে ধরা হয়নি।
Investigation is on/going on.তদন্ত চলছে।

Report on Incident/Event/Seminar

Name of the function/Ceremony/Programme                                                     By staff reporter,

Place; date

The function/Ceremony/Programme/Anniversary was held/observed/come-off/organized in the befitting manner yesterday/today at school assembly hall/at school premises with great pomp and enthusiasm. The entire school ground/School/hall was richly/beautifully decorated with flowers, festoons, photos and quotations of eminent men. A beautiful dias was made for the function/ceremony on that occasion. The hall/ground was packed with students, guardians and enthusiastics. Mr. P.Das, (পরিচয়) Principlal/MLA/BDO of Karandighi Block/Raiganj College presided over the function. The D.M/S.I/D.I (স্থানের নাম) of Raiganj/Kolkata graced/honoured the chair of Chief Guest. The function/sports was started/inaugurated with the opening song chorused/sung by some students. The eminent guests as well as distinguished persons on the dias were greeted with bouquets. After that a well organised impressive cultural programme was followed/staged. The programme included song, recitation, dance and a one-act play. Some students of class xii staged a drama—— Each actor played his part perfectly. The participants had enthralled the audience. Speeches of the chief guest and the President were inspiring and befitting to the occasion. The function/ceremony was over/end at 9:00 p.m. with a vote of thanks to all. As a whole it was an enlightening and exciting experience.

Unexpected flood in West Bengal

By Official Correspondent

Kolkata, 5 th August :A mighty flood battered several districts of West Bengal and Odisha (for the ceaseless rain for a few days.) Especially the South Bengal has experienced and faced devastating calamity due to abrupt flood caused by” Cyclone Kemon “. The worst affected districts are Medinipur, 24 Paraganas and Bankura. It is learnt that most of the rivers are still flowing above the danger mark. It is reported that over 2 lac houses and a vast tract of crop have been submerged into water. About 40 lac people have been badly affected by it. The streets and schools are crowded with hundreds of hungy men, women and children in torn clothes. Power and telecommunication services have been completely snapped off. According to an official spokesperson relief work has been launched on war footing. A number of helicopters and speed boats were pressed into service to transfer the flood victims to safe places. The sufferings of the people knew no limits. Welfare organizations like Ramkrishna Mission, Bharat Sevashram Shanga have come forward with help. Clothes, dry food, drinking water and medicine are being distributed. Meanwhile the death toll of West Bengal rose to 600.C.M blamed the release of water from barrages for the deterioration of the flood situation in South Bengal. She herself kept vigil eyes over the situation and promised all help to the flood victims. 

A terrible road accident

By Staff Reporter

Raiganj, 27 th January :  Once again the callousness of a truck driver snatched away three precious lives and left five others injured near Siliguri More  on the N. H.34 at about 4 PM  yesterday. The cause of the accident as stated by the onlookers was rash driving. It is reported that a loaded truck coming from Siliguri collided with a Tata-Sumo coming from the opposite direction. The truck rammed the Tata-Sumo so forcefully that it was almost destroyed, leaving the passengers in dire state. The onlookers delaying no longer rushed to the spot and rescued the passengers  and sent the victims to the district hospital. According to the physicians, the condition of the two including a child was very serious. Of the dead, two could not be identified. However the accident infuriated the local people and they set the lorry on fire and put up a road block suspending the traffic flow for about half an hour. On information the police arrived and brought the situation under control. The driver of the truck was arrested and taken to custody.

1. Your School observed the ‘Kanyashree Divas’ in your school. Write a report on it for a local periodical magazine.

By Rahul Sinha; Tungidighi, January 4, 2020: Our school, Assay Indian Model School observed ‘Kanyashree Divas’ yesterday with great enthusiasm. There were well-thought cultural programme from morning till late evening for the audience. Our Headmaster delivered a speech in which he mentioned that Kanyashree is a social scheme for the girls of our state. It is a scheme of conditional cash transfer with the aim of improving the status and well-being of the young girls by providing them scholarships without any discrimination. Posters, banners and photographs were displayed at every possible corner of the school premises to draw the attention of the crowd. Almost all the speakers thanked the CM of West Bengal as the scheme was conceived by her. The programme included song, recitation, dance and a play which were highly motivational to the girl students to study and prosper in life. There was also an arrangement of refreshment after the function was over.

2. Fire Caught a School building. Write a report in a newspaper.

  • Hints: place and time -reason unknown- 10 fire engines rushed- 30 fire-fighter laboured hard- fire under control -nobody injured.

Fire attack in school building

By News correspondence

Tungidighi, January 4, 2020: Yesterday (3rd Jan), around 12:00 noon, a devastating fire broke out in Sandipan High School, Tungidighi, Uttar Dinajpur. The Headmaster said that the school was running as usual and the classes were on. It was he who first noticed that the library on the top floor caught fire and flame and smoke were coming out of the windows. At once he called the Fire Brigade and asked the students and the staffs to vacate the school building. Within half an hour the fire engulfed the entire second floor. Then the fire brigade rushed into the spot with 10 fire engines and thirty Firemen. At once they began their job and the teachers and group-D staffs helped them to a great extent. The fire fighters toiled hard for about 5 hours and the fire finally subsided. No casualty or injury was reported although the fire extinguishers of the school did not work at the time of need. The reason of the fire is yet unknown. However the school authority is determined to take immediate measures to commence the classes at the earliest.

3. Suppose your school organised a traffic awareness programme on ‘Safe drive, Save life’. Write a report on the event.

A traffic awareness programme on ‘Safe drive, Save life’

By Rahul Roy

Tungidighi, January 4, 2020: Last Wednesday our school, Assay Indian Model School organized a programme on ‘Safe drive, Save life’. Nearly ten thousand students from 50 schools in our locality took active part in it. As a result the programme met with a gala success. The students were trained by a number of Government officers for about 2 hours and then they were sent to different corners across the district towns. They were clad like traffic police with caps on heads and sticks in hands and whistles in mouths. They began to control the traffic strictly. At occasions, they taught the drivers traffic rules and how to drive safely. They also taught the wayfarers how to cross a road through zebra crossing. The sincere efforts of the young students ensured a safe drive as well as a safe crossing of roads. As a result no accident occurred, nor there any traffic jam on the highway. Besides, the program left a sense of probity on the minds of people.

4.Write a report on excursion (educational tour) conducted by School.

Points: Importance of excursion-when and where it was organised-escorting teachers-how you learnt and enjoyed the tour.


Assay Indian Model School, 4th January, 2020: An excursion trains the young minds to understand their lessons. It is a joyful learning. Such an excursion was organised by the Geography department of Assay Indian Model School to Bhutan. The trip was for 3 days in Thimpu, the capital of Bhutan. Two teachers accompanied us to supervise the entire tour. We boarded a luxury bus on 1st January, 2020 from school early in the morning and reached Thimpu around evening. The very next day, our teachers took us the nearby hills and brooks. We show the mountain river, Wangchu originating from the snow-clad peaks of the Himalayas. It was the first course of the river and was extremely rough. The second course ran through the town of Thimpu. Next day we went to Paro to watch the Himalayan Mountains. Our teachers explained us how mountains and rivers came into being on earth. We also studied fossils, green vegetation and wildlife in the hilly forest. We enjoyed the refreshing beauty of place and local food. On 3rd January afternoon we got back to our school. Still the lessons, excitements, beauty and the freedom hunted our mind.

5. Recently you attended a seminar on “Plastic carry Bags, A Threat to Environment” in which harmful effects of plastic were discussed. Write a report for your school magazine.

A Seminar on Plastic carry Bags, A Threat to Environment

By Press Reporter

Tungidighi, 4th January, 2020: A seminar on “The Harmful Effects of Plastic Carry Bags” was organised by Tarun Sangha, a local club, yesterday. The seminar was entitled “Plastic Carry Bags-A threat to environment”. Common people of nearby villages attended the seminar as audiences while noted environmentalists were present as speakers. Every speaker clarified that over use of plastic or polymer has begun to pose a serious threat to the ecological balance. A renowned professor of Raiganj University, Dr. Amal Singha gave a power point presentation on how plastic bags affecting marine life, wild life and city life. The audience understood that plastic articles are not biodegradable products. They remain in the soil for long time thereby reducing the fertility of the land. Mr. Deepak Das, the president of Tarun Sangha explained the steps taken by the Government to combat this problem and urged people to abide by those measures. The programme ended with an oath taking ceremony that all should promise to ban plastic, the devil of the human civilization.

6. Write a report on observance of Vidyasagar jayanti in your school magazine.

Observation of Vidyasagar Jayanti

By Bidhan Roy

Tungidighi,September 27, 2019: 200th Birth Anniversary of Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar was celebrated at our school with lot of gaiety yesterday. The function was started with a song composed by our music teacher in praise of the great educationalist and social reformer. Then a bust portrait of Vidyasagar was garlanded by our headmaster. He, then made a short speech on contribution of Vidyasagar  to the area of education, social reformation and upliftment of women in the society. The students of the school arranged a cultural program in our school auditorium. The two-hour long programme was indeed very nice to watch. It consisted of dance, song, recitation, dance-drama and a play. The play was based on Vidyasagar’s entire life, his struggle against property and achievements in life. The dance-drama portrayed the life of Vidyasagar spent in Karmatar in midst of tribal people. The programme ended with a vote of thanks given by our Headmaster. Every audience was happy to enjoy the amazing programme. We, the students, were benefitted to know much about that great son of India.

7. World Environment Day Duly Observed at Tithpukur High School

By Staff Reporter

Tungidighi 6th June: The World Environment Day was observed in a befitting manner in the school premises of Tithpukur High School yesterday with great pomp and enthusiasm. Different programme  were undertaken to make the day significant. The entire school was beautifully decorated with festoon, paintings, photos and quotation to make the youth realise about the importance of the day. Dr. Biswas professor of Raiganj University presided over the function. The district forest officer graced the chair of chief guest. The function was inaugurated with the planting of saplings in the school field by the president. Then followed the afforestation programme by the students around the school and nearby areas. The students wearing play cards and festoons appealed to the people of the surrounding to take proper care of the trees to tackle the problems of pollution and global warming.  While moving through the streets and lanes they distributed saplings among the people free of cost. The response of the people was very encouraging. It was followed by painting competition on the theme of saving the Earth from global warming. The members of Eco club staged a beautiful drama on the result of axing trees from the planet. The speechless speeches of the chief guest and president were inspiring and befitting to the occasion. The function was over at 6:00 p.m. with a vote of thanks to all. As a whole, it was an enlightening and exciting experience.

8.Farewell to Departing teacher

By Press Reporter

Tungidighi 31stJuly: Mr. Ajay Ghosh, an Assistant teacher of Tithpukur High School was given farewell on the Solomon occasion of his retirement yesterday. The farewell function was held in the auditorium hall where students of classes 5 to 12 gathered to see and hear their beloved teacher last time. Ghosh Babu, a sincere and committed teacher had been serving for 33 years at Tithpukur High School.  The function was presided over by the A.D.I of schools, Raiganj. This occasion was attended by a number of distinguished guests as well as ex-students. The function was inaugurated with the opening song chorused by some students. Garlanding the retired teacher, Headmaster delivered an impressive speech about Ghosh Babu’s contribution to the school. All his colleagues paid homage to the retired teacher. They regarded his departure as an irreparable loss for the school. They said that Ghosh Babu would be remembered for his care and love for students, devotion to duty, respect to his colleagues and sense of humour. Ghosh Babu in his farewell speech thanked all. Being over powered with emotion he said coherently that the role of the teacher is divine one. He advised us to read attentively and do some heroic deeds so that he can feel proud of his beloved students. Finally students and teachers handed over  him some gifts as a token of their love and regard. The farewell ceremony had a great impact on our mind. Everyone departed slowly with heavy hearts.

9. Cleanliness week [Nirmal Bangla Soptah] Nirmal Vidyalaya Week observation in school

By Staff Reporter

Raiganj 25th August: Cleanliness is a symbol of purity of soul. It is an essential virtue. Karandighi High school observed the Nirmal Vidyalaya Week with great enthusiasm. The drive was undertaken to clean the school and create awareness about the clean, pollution- free environment among the students and people in general. On the first day, students made a morning rally in the adjoining areas with slogans, festoons, banners and placards appealing people to use safe water, not to waste potable water and to maintain proper healthy and hygienic life. On the second day, teacher-student discussion took place regarding cleanliness and students made a cleaning-up drive in the school. They cleaned the classroom, urinals and every nook and corners of the school campus. On the last day, a ‘sit and draw’ competition for the students was held on the theme of cleanliness and beautification. The celebration ended with a gala function. A play on ‘clean India’ was also enacted to highlight the importance of hygiene, sanitation and cleanliness. The whole drive was quite inspiring and motivating.

10.  The Annual Prize distribution Ceremony of Tithpukur High School by

By Staff Reporter

Raiganj 24th Jan: The Annual prize distribution ceremony of Tithpukur High School was held yesterday at the school assembly hall with great pomp and enthusiasm. The entire school was richly decorated with colourful festoons, flowers etc. A beautiful dias was made on that occasion. The hall was packed with students, guardians and enthusiasts. Dr. P. Das the principal of Raiganj college presided over the function. The DI of schools of Uttar Dinajpur graced the chair of chief guest. The ceremony was inaugurated with the opening song chorused by some students. The eminent guests as well as distinguished persons on the dias were greeted with bouquets. After that a well organised impressive cultural programme was followed. There were recitations, songs and a one act drama named ‘Deesha’ in which the students of class 10 beautifully acted. The participants had enthralled the audience. In the meantime the headmaster delivered his short speech showing the work and progress of the school in various directions. After that the president and the chief guest gave away the prizes to the boys and girls who had shown their challenging performances in different fields. Speeches of the Chief Guest and the President were inspiring and befitting to the occasion. They urged the guardians’ co-operation with school authoring to keep the glorious tradition of the school. The ceremony was over at 9:00 p.m. with a vote of thanks to all. As a whole, it was an enlightening and exciting experience.


1. Write a newspaper report on restrictions imposed in Kolkata due to Covid-19 situation. You may use the following points. (100-120 words): [Points: lockdown announced in Kolkata-Date- March 23-restrictions imposed-city entirely shut-exemption of emergency services-no public transport-no large gathering-use of mask-wash hands regularly-use of sanitizer-punishment for violation of rules under section 188 of the IPC]

2. Write a newspaper report on a balçony collapse that took place in Karaya Road ares in Kolkata. Use the following points. (100 words): [Points: balcony collapsed-an old three storied building-date-29th January-time-5:00 a.m. 3 people hurt-notice given by corporation]

3. Write a newspaper report on the devastating fire that broke out at the railway building on Strand Road in Kolkata. Use the following points, (100-120 words): [Points: Date19h March, 2021-time-6:10 pm.-place-13th floor of New Koilaghat building-a person dead-compensation announced-cause of fire under investigation.]

4. Write a report for your School magazine on how The World Environment Day was observed in your School. (100 words): [Points: Date- time- place – role of teachers and students– and importance of the day – speech of headmaster – guests – distribution of saplings among students]

5. Write a newspaper report (100 words) about a taxi-driver who returned ornaments of a passenger, mistakenly left in the taxi. You may use the following points: [Points: Date, place – what items were left – how he got it – where he returned those things – taxi-driver rewarded for his honesty]

6. Use the following points to write a report an a blood donation camp: (100 words): [Points: Event – Blood donation camp Object- to collect 200 bottles of blood Organised by – Nabarun Sangha Club, Kolkata at the Club ground on – 20th March, 2020 between 10 am to 4 pm]

7. Write a report on the recent floods in North Bengal:[Points : severe flood – heavy rain – 300 died, several missing – affected place –Birapara, Falakata, Madarihat etc. – communication totally affected – people lost huts, houses — loss of crops- rescue operation – Govt and NGOS]

8. Write a newspaper report on the incident of burglary in a flat at Bidhan Nagar, Durgapur using the following points:

[Points: date and place — time – occupants of the house – number of robber – list of articles stolen- police investigation]

9. Write a newspaper report on the observance of ‘Mission Nirmal Bangla’ in your school:

[Points: date – place – time – duration – different items (Programme) – impression]

10. Write a newspaper report on a road accident within 100 words. Use the following points.

[Points: brake failure of a bus – collided with a truck – 5 injured including a child and a woman – injured sent to hospital – released with first aid – traffic disrupted – police intervened – normalcy restored]

11. Use the information given in the following chart to write a report for the newspaper.

[Points: Incident : Severe earthquake; Place : Wide areas in the Garhwal and Kumaon regions of Uttar Pradesh.; Damage: 2,000 houses damaged 5,000 houses destroyed.; Causalties: 415 people died. Relief work done : 30 medical teams (doctors + medicines). Air Forces Plane (Food + necessary articles), Govt. grants sanctioned – 55.50 lakhs – Uttar Kashi, 13.60 lakhs – Tehri Garhwal.]

12. Write a newspaper report (within 100 words) on the incident of burglary ina flat in Kolkata using the following points: [Points: date and place – time – occupants of the house – number of robbers list of articles stolen – police investigation.]

