Synonyms   and   Antonyms


Synonyms   and   Antonyms

Choose the word nearest the meaning to the underlined part of the sentences. :
1, His sincerity was never in question.
(a) Goodness (b) Honesty (c) Virtue (d) Courtesy
Choose the correct meaning of the underlined part of the sentence.
2, Rises in prices, but not in wages seem to be the order of the day.
(a) The exception (b) Customary (c) Unusual (d) The trend
3. He decided to open up to the police and tell them everything.
(a) Emerge (b) Develop (c) Talk frankly (d) Start a business
4. The food did not agree with me and I fell sick.
(a) Decide by mutual consent (b) Approve of or consent to
(c) Hold similar opinion (d) Suit
Choose the word nearest in meaning to the underlined part of each sentence.
5. This hard won liberty was not to be frivolously abandoned.
(a)Impatiently (b) Lightly (c) Seriously (d) Cursorily
6. The press, he believed was invading his privacy.
(a) Penetrating (b) Encroaching 
(c) Permeating (d) Challenging
7. My parents suffer from persistent aliments.
(a) Critical (b) Serious (c) Chronic (d) Severe a
8. An idle brain is the devil’s workshop. |
(a) Careless (b) Slack (c) Inactive (d) Dull a
Choose the appropriate word to complete the following sentence.
9. With their wealth, their reforming zeal and their nationalism, the Tagore’s were preposterously.
(a) Competent (b) Accomplished (c) Proficient (d) Clever


Choose the correct meaning of the underlined part of the sentence.
10. Ram is a pillable person.
(a) Corrupt (b) Easily influence (c) Practical minded (d) Smooth talking
Choose the word or expression that matches the given meaning?
11. Friendly – (a) Thick (b) Thick & Thin (c) At logger heads (d) Conjoint
12. Tightly – (a) Highly (b) Thickly (c) Fast (d) Heaped


Choose the exact meaning of the bold part of the sentence.
13. Swami Vivekananda led a godly life.
(a) Pious (b) Heavenly (c) Religious (d) Pure
14. Many men sailed to Afirca in quest of gold.
(a) In prospect of (b) In pursuance of
(c)In search of (d) In expectation of
15. The specious arguments of the lawyers had no effect on the judge.
(a) Victous (b) Illogical (c) Superficially plausible (d) Indefensible
16. Some mention of this should be inserted here.
(a) Added (b) Put in (c) Included (d) Supplied
17. Your essay contains much superfluous matter.
(a) Unnecessary (b) Needless (c) Digressive (d) Redundant


Choose the item closest in meaning to the bold section in the given sentences.
18. Many districts in West Bengal are prone to flood.
(a) Relate (b) Prostrated (c) Inclined (d) Ready
19. There was a shadow across his face upon hearing the sad news.
(a) Complexion (b) Look of gloom (c) Shade (d) Gravity
20. Sourav Ganguly scored a delectable century against south Africa in the cricket match in Nairobi.
(a) Delightful] (b) Delicious (c) Entertaining (d) Disciplined
21. There was persistent drizzle during our week long holiday in Darjeeling.
(a) Consistent  (b) Incessant (c) Continuous (d) Intermittent


Choose the word nearest in meaning to the underlined part of the sentence.
22. His arrogance is exceeded only by his abysmal ignorance.
(a) Bottomless (b) Eternal (c) Diabolic (d) Internal
23. He abjured his allegiance to the kind.
(a) Projected (b) Perjured (c)Renounced (d) Expressed
24. The orator spoke in a bombastic manner.
(a) Ardent (b) Animated (c) Pompous (d) Sensitive


Choose the item closest in meaning to the underlined word in the given sentence.
25. As a scholar he is almost peerless.
(a) Superb (b) Magnificent (c) Unequalled (d) Famous
26. The speaker emphasized the salient points of issue.
(a) Relevant (b) Prominent (c) Appropriate (d) Accurate
27. The old lady is extremely loquacious.
(a) Humorous (b) Talkative (c) Foul mouthed  (d) Voluble


Choose the word closest in meaning to that which is underlined :
28. With great cunning the clerk forged the important document.
(a) Wickedness (b) Intelligence (c) Craftiness (d) Skill
29. The boy was reprimanded by his father
(a) Abused (b) Beaten (c) Admired (d) Rebuked
From the given options choose the words nearest in meaning to those underlined in the sentences.
30. Please expand your commentary on the text.
(a) Increase (b) Amplify (c) Enlarge (d) Magnify
31. Compared with the earth many of the planets are bodies of immense size.
(a) Huge (b) Vast (c) Large (d) Big
32. The Chairman proceeded to speak in a dignified manner.
(a) Elegant (b) Stately (c) Sarcastic (d) Loud


From the given options choose the words nearest in meaning to those underlined in the sentence :
33. Our gateman is a man of enormous size
(a) Healthy (b) Tall (c) Gigantic (d) Big
From the given options choose the words nearest in meaning to those underlined in the sentence :
34. Man does not live by bread alone.
(a) Food (b) Sustenance (c) Material Prosperity (d) Good health


Choose the correct items from the given options :
35. He pierced the balloon with a pin.
(a) Stabbed (b) Pricked (c) Penetrated (d) Burst
36. The mother hummed softly as she rocked the baby to sleep.
(a) Chanted (b) Crooned (c) Intoned (d) Whispered
37. His letter fuelled my doubts.
(a) Ended (b) Increased (c) Caused (d) Reaffirmed


Choose the most appropriate single word from the options given as substitute for the underlined parts of the sentence.
38. I met a person in the meeting whose appearance did not reflect his mind.
(a) Was deceptive (b) Was convincing
(c) Was faithful (d) Was honest
From the given options choose the words nearest in meaning to those underline in the sentence :
39. The children were very vivacious in the play ground.
(a) Smiling (b) Sportive (c) lively/full of life (d) Joyful
40. The musician has a very sonorous voice.
(a) Loud (b) Shrill (c) Harsh (d) Full and deep


Choose the word from the list which is nearest in meaning to the underlined part of the sentence :

41. Hike in oil price may mar the future of the trade world. (a) Harness (b) Help (c) Better (d) Worsen


Choose the word closest to the meaning of the underlined words :
42. The maiden’s clothes were so bizarre that they created quite a sensation.
(a) Beautiful (b) Grotesque  (c) Mundane (d) Lugubrious
43. The teacher gave us explicit instructions.
(a) Definable (b) Resolvable (c) Demonstrative (d) Detailed
44. The concert was a pot-pourri of events.
(a) Medley  (b) Lengthy (c) Badly arranged (d) Classical


Replace the underlined part of the sentence by any one of the four alternatives given below: :
43. ‘Cacography’ means
(a) Bad spelling (b) Good spelling (c) Incorrect spelling (d) None of this above
46. He changed his job and was out of frying pan or fire.
(a) Happy with the job (b) Misfit
(c) In a condition from bad to worse (d) Lucky in the choice
47. Hike in the price may mar the future of the trade world.
(a) Harness (b) Help (c) Better (d) Worsen


48. The patient needed an anodyne for his strained nerves.
(a) Alcohol (b) Opium (c) Medicine (d) Pankilling balm
49, Eruption means outbreak, irruption means
(a) Bursting in  (b) Equal (c) Disease (d) Evil
Replace the underlined word by any of the options given below :
50. It was queer to see his behaviour
(a) Natural (b) Odd (c) Probable (d) Convincing
Select the pair in the following options, which is set in opposition :
(a) Erroneous – Faulty (b) Reticent – Silent
(c) Vilify – Slander (d) None of the above


52. Choose the correct meaning of the word from the alternatives given below: Tour de force.
(a) Masterpiece (b) Grand Tour (c) Long Tour (d) Art and Culture
53. Choose the correct meaning of the word from the alternatives given below: Insipid
(a) Foolish (b) Exciting (c) Dull (d) Sensible
34. Select the correct synonym of the following word from the alternatives provided: Lucid
(a) Opaque (b) Solid (c) Clear (d) Hazy
35. Select the correct synonym of the following word from the alternatives provided: Inadvertent
(a) Adversity (b) Intentional (c) Unintentional (d) Advanced
56. Choose the correct meaning of the word from the alternatives given below: Incognito
(a) Candid (b) Impromptu (c) Opposed (d) Disguised
57. Select the correct synonym of the following word from the alternatives provided: Embezzle
(a) Steal (b) Steel (c) Honesty (d) Dazzle
58. ‘Cricket’ is also a kind of a/an –
(a) Bird (b) Insect (c) Food (d) Flower
59, A ‘Page’ also means
(a) A sweet dish (b) A chauffeur (c) A book (d) A servant


60. ‘Book’ may be used with –
(a) Trousers (b) Insects (c) Ticket (d) Painting
61. Choose the correct meaning of the word from the alternatives given below: Genre
(a) A grand tour (b) A specific category
(c) A chauffeur (d) A long


62. Choose the correct meaning of the word from the alternatives given below: Quintessential
(a) Most typical example (b) Most wanted thing
(c) Most popular (d) Most utilized
63. Choose an expression similar in meaning to the word underlined below: Imbroglio
(a) Cacophony (b) Confession
(c) A confused situation (d) Candid admission
64. ‘Mellifluous’ means:
(a) Sweetsounding (b) Cacophonic (c) Loud (d) Irritating


65. Choose the correct meaning of the word from the
alternatives given below: A la mode
(a) Fashionable (b) Cheap (c) Expensive (d) Convenient
66. Choose the word appropriate in meaning to the word underlined below:  The listeners were delighted by the music concert.
(a) Surprised (b) Saddened (c) Angered (d) Excited
67. Cinema’ may be used with –
(a) Cooking (b) Selling (c) Sleeping (d) Theatre


68. ‘Marble’ may be used with
a) Painting (b) Music (c) Rocks (d) Sculpture
69. Choose the correct meaning of the world from the alternatives given below: Classic ___________.
(a) of the first or highest quality (b) a long list
(c) loose, flowing robe (d) sanctified


Replace the underlined word with a suitable word.
70. The tranquillity and sanctity of the place soothed us.
(A) Security (B) Holiness (C) Equanimity (D) Placidity
71. Find the appropriate synonym of the word-‘Indefatigable’.
(A) Tireless (B) Indomitable (C) Unhappy (D) Incompatible
72. The word ‘beleaguered’ means ,
(A) Belittled (B) Benefitted (C) Troubled (D) Irritated


73. The word “Genocide’ means –
(A) Racial killing (B) Murder (C) Suicide (D) Slaughter
74, The word ‘Analogous’ means –
(A) analytical (B) artificial (C) comparable (D) aural
73. Find the appropriate synonym for the word ‘Climactic’.
(A) Culminating (B) Climatic (C) Temperate (D) Atmospheric
76. “Impassioned’ means –
(A) Ardent (B) Dispassionate (C) Passionless (D) Unemotional


Abandonment-retention, repossessionEconomy – wastefulness, improvidence, prodigality, lavishness
Abash-embolden, encourage, comfortEgalitarian – elitist, undemocratic
Abate-aggravate, augment, increaseElegance- ugliness, brutality, savagery
Abdicate – prosecute, vindicateExpound – confuse, obfuscate, obscure, restrain
Abduct – redeem, rescue, restoreExtension – abbreviation, abridgement, curtailment
Aberration – clearness, sanityFable – honesty, materiality, narrative
Abet – desert , foil, hamperFluctuate – abide, adhere, persist
Abeyance – resumption, continuationFrivolous – significant, serious
Abject – glorious, hopeful, superior, dignifiedGratitude – thanklessness, ungratefulness
Abjure – embrace, occupy, proclaim, retainHysterical – serious, earnest
Abolish – establish, endorse, legalize, ratifyIdeal – distinct, unpolished, marred
Abominate – admire, adore, loveIlluminate – understate, puzzle, darken, dim, confuse
Abscond – stay, linger, returnImmunity – susceptibility, susceptibleness
Absolute – adulterated, ambiguous, controversialImpartial – biased, partial, prejudiced
Absolve – accuse, charge, convict, impeachImpecunious – rich, wealthy
Abstain – commence, initiate, originateImprovident – economical, prudent, saving
Abstemious – self-pleasing, greedy, rapaciousIndiscriminate – distinct, identical, separate, selective
Abstract – actual, complete, concreteLascivious – acceptable, agreeable, desirable, chaste
Accord – disagreement, decline, refuse, dissentMagnanimous – miserly, discreditable, stingy, degraded
Accumulate – scatterMagnanimous – greedy, hateful, mean, miserly
Accustomed – unusualMalodorous – aromatic, flowery, fragrant
Acrimonious – forgiving, loving, sympathetic, gentleMeagre – ample, plentiful
Adore – abhor, abominate, belittle, condemnNegligence – alertness, awareness, compliance
Adversity – fortune, achievement, happinessNeutral – constructive, optimistic, colourful
Affectionate- hostile, indifferent, callousNonchalant – concerned,
Ample – meagre, scarce, scanty, limitedConscientious, compliance
Animosity – amiability, amiability, friendliness, goodwillPacify – agitate, excite, kindle, rouse
Annex – withdraw, diminish, deductPlacid – agitated, stormy, turbulent
Apparent – unobvious, profound, doubtful, dubiousProfane – pious, sacred
Approbate – disallow, disapprove, disregardQuack – expert, qualified
Choose the word closest in meaning to the opposite of the bold part of the sentences.
1. The President is the nominal head of the state
(a) Actual (b) Titular (c) Assumptive (d) Hereditary
2, The travellers were served tender meat by their host.
(a) Raw (b) Tough (c) Cooked (d) Well-done
3. Her conduct in this affair was Inconsistent with her usual politeness and gentleness.
(a) At variance with (b) In accordance (c) Incompatible (d) Contrary to
Choose the word closest in meaning to the opposite of the bold part of sentence.
4. Towards the end of his career, he seemed to be constantly out of luck.
(a) Happy (b) Thriving (c) Fortunate (d) Miserable o
5. My parents are quite oldfashioned in their views.
(a) Antiquated (b) Conservative (c) Modem (d) Fresh
6. The child was reluctant listen to his elders.
(a) Slow (b) Willing (c) Unable (d) Hesitant a
Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to the bold part of the sentence.
7. This proposal seems practicable.
(a) Realistic (b) Expensive (c) Unfamiliar (d) Unfeasible
8. His conduct was always been licentious.
(a) Controlled (b) Uncontrolled (c) Illegal (d) Unofficial
9. Mr. Singh’s report was at odd with Mr Sharma’s’ :
(a) Consistent with (b) Conflicting (c) As peculiar (d) As simple as
Choose the word closest in meaning to the opposite of the bold part of the sentence.
10. We were served a rich jare in the dinner.
(a) Poor (b) Plain (c) Tasteless (d) Unpleasant
11. He was rather reluctant to help me.
(a) Willing (b) Ready (c) Eager (d) Inclined
12. The barber was a most loquacious man.
(a) Taciturn (b) Reserved (c) Quiet (d) Tongue-tied
13. The gentle had aristocratic manners. a
(a) Coarse (b) Democratic (c) Base (d) Plebian
Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to the bold section of the given sentence.
14. It was an arduous task.
(a) Difficult (0) Problematic (c) Effortless (d) Fitting
14, Many people prefer a vegetarian diet.
(a) Desire (b) ‘Taste (c) Abhor (d) Like
16. The truck was travelling at a trot.
(a) At break-neck speed (b) Al a snail’s pace
(c) Slowly (d) Leisurely
Choose the word closest in meaning to the opposite of the underlined part of the sentences:
17. He is very sagacious for such a young person.
(a) Foolish (b) Bitter (c) Voracious (d) Veracious
18. I find writing this book to be an odious task.
(a) Stimulating (b) Satisfactory (c) Nice (d) Delightful
19. Parents should not belittle their children’s early attempts at drawing.
(a) Magnify (b) Encourage (c) Extol (d) Flatter
20. The Glitter and opulence of the Ballroom took Cinderella’s breath away.
(a) Potency (b) Glamour (c) Poverty (d) Squalor
21. Philosophical work are cerebral in nature and require much thought.
(a) Spiritual (b) Intellectual (c) Carnal (d) Sensational
Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined word of the sentence.
22. We had a rich diet there.
(a) Poor (b) Plain (c) Simple (d) Lean
23. He had a sharp attack of fever.
(a) Sudden (b) Mild (c) Intermittent (d) Slow
24. He spoke in a whisper.
(a) Shout (b) Murmur (c) Rumble (d) Roar
From the option, choose the words most nearly opposite in meaning to those underlined in the following sentences.
25, The boy wore a dismal look after having failed to clear the final examination.
(a) Despondent (D) Solemn (c) Beautiful (d) Cheerful
26. The liberal views of the leader did not find favour with a section of his party.
(a) Biased (b) Prejudiced (c) Conservative (d) Backward
Tick the exact opposite of each word given below :
27. Extravagance —
(a) Rashness (b) Meanness (c) Prudence (d) Excess
28. Humility —
(a) Rudeness (b) Vanity (c) Pride (d) Arrogance
From the options choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to those underlined in the following sentence:
29. The 19th century was the hey-day of the renaissance in Bengal.
(a) Days of decline (b) Peak-point (c) Period of stagnation (d) Time of up-rise
Select the pair among the following which is set in opposition:
30. (a) Gay : Animated (b) Full : Replete
(c) Surmise : Fact (d) Generation : Age
31. (a) Wanton : Restrained (b) Sardonic : Bitter
(c) Bright : Refulgent (d) Fetch : Bring
32. (a) Macabre : Eeric (b) Abortive : Successful
(c) Secret : Covert (d) Mock : Rally
From the Options choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to those underlined in the following sentence :
33. The high-handed ways of the manager made him an enemy of the people.
(a) Submissive and friend (b) Ignorant (c) Angry (d) Impatient
Select the pair in the following options which is set in opposition:
34. (a) Pedant – Pedagogic (b) Humid – Arid
(c) Erroneous — Faulty (d) Horrible – Horrendous
35. (a) Doggish — Canine (b) Manly – Virile Terrestrial
(c) Divine – Infernal (d) Earthly – Terrestrial
36. The prospect of her marriage is remote. The opposite of ‘remote in this sentence would be —
(a) High (b) Less (c) Fat (d) Near
Choose the word opposite in meaning to the underlined word:
37. Chaos reigned supreme at the football match
(a) Order (b) Confusion (c) Luck (d) Anarchy
38. The hubbub in the cities makes one tired and irritable.
(a) Roar (b) Quiet (c) Disorder (d) Disturbance
39. Select the pair in the following options which is set in opposition:
(a) Liquid – Solid (b) Enough – Adequate (c) Entice – Lure (d) Excess – Surplus
Choose the word opposite in meaning to the underlined word:
40. Transparency is needed in dealing with a matter of public interest.
(a) Haziness (b) Trauma (c) Turbulence (d) Transition
41. The opposite of ‘remote’ is
(a) High (b) Less (c) Far (d) Near
42. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the one underlined below: His point was lost amid the cacophony.
(a) Music (b) Discordance (c) Silence (d) Crowd
43. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the one underlined below: The possibility of failure was imminent.
a) Remote (b) Inherent (c) Immediate (d) Perennial
44. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the one underlined below: There is abundant scope for improvement.
(a) Ample (b) Scarce (c) Copious (d) Eternal
45. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the one underlined below: The crowd felt stupefied by the lecture.
(a) Engulfed (b) Entertained (c) Enthused (d) Encouraged
46, The silence of the children was sinister.
(a) Catnap (b) Cacophony (c) Coarse (d) Cruelty
Choose the word opposite in meaning to the one underlined below: People responded to the leader’s speech with shouts of ecstasy.
(a) Despondency (b) Despair
(c) Disagreement (d) Displeasure
48. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the word underlined below.
The appearance of the stranger was forbidding.
(a) Warm (b) Kind (c) Friendly (d) Amiable
49. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the word underlined below: The darkness covered the whole countryside.
(a) Silence (b) Stillness (c) Light (d) Noise
50. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the word underlined below :
Mary’s patience and serenity won the admiration of all who saw her.
(a) holiness (b) placidity (c) agitation (d) equanimity
51. Add a suitable prefix to form the opposite of the word ‘Balance’.
(A) Nonbalance (B) Unbalance (C) Disbalance (D) Imbalance
52. The correct antonym of ‘Lecherous’ is — (a) Passionate (b) Dirty (c) Nasty (d) Chaste

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