Types of preposition



দেওয়া ছবিদুটি লক্ষ্য করো এবং বলো কে বা কোনটির অবস্থান (Position) কোথায় আছে?

The river is blew the bus. (অনেক নিচে)
Some students are standing by the bus. (পাশে)
The road is under the bus. (ঠিক নিচে)
The road runs in front of the bus. (সামনে)
The road runs behind the bus. (পিছনে)
Clouds are floating above the bus. (অনেক উপরে)
Three birds are flying over the bus. (খানিকটা উপরে)
Some bags are on the roof of the bus. (উপরে) (এর)
The students are gossiping among themselves. (নিজেদের মধ্যে)
“The plane flew above the cloud, behind the cloud, around the cloud, below the cloud, beneath the cloud, beside the cloud, beyond the cloud, into the cloud, near the cloud, outside the cloud, over the cloud, past the cloud, through the cloud, toward the cloud, under the cloud, and finally dived underneath the cloud. (”A preposition is a word that shows the relationship between two things. Preposition হল একটি শব্দ যা দুটি জিনিসের মধ্যে সম্পর্ককে দেখায়). In the example above, the prepositions show the relationships between a plane and a cloud.

The Prepositions: Pre এর অর্থ পূর্বে এবং Position এর অর্থ অবস্থান; অর্থাৎ যে Word, Noun বা Pronoun –এর পূর্বে বসে এবং বাক্যের মধ্যে অবস্থিত অন্যান্য শব্দের সাথে সম্পর্ক নির্ধারণ করে, তাকে Preposition বলে। * A preposition is a word used with a noun or a pronoun to snow how the person or thing denotes by the noun or pronoun stands in relation to something else. – Wren & Martin.

Example: at (স্থান, কাল, নিকটে, দিকে), in (ভিতরে, মধ্যে, অন্তর্গত), of (মালিকানা, সম্বন্ধ, সম্পর্ক), on (উপরে, তারিখ, সময়, দিনের আগে), to (দিকে, প্রতি, পর্যন্ত, অবধি), with (সঙ্গে, দিয়ে), by (পাশে, কাছে, ধারে, নিকটে, দ্বারা, কর্তৃক), for (উদ্দেশ্য, কারণে, জন্যে), from (হতে, থেকে, চেয়ে, অসুখের কারণে), before (সামনে, পূর্বে, আগে), behind (পিছনে), over (উপরে), since (নির্দেষ্ট সময়ের বিন্দু থেকে), than (চেয়ে), under (নীচে)।


1. Contact with, the surface (তল স্পর্শ  করা/ছুয়ে থাকা অবস্থা বোঝাতে)
1) On the table, on the finger, on the grass,. The monkey is on the tree. There is a scenery on the wall.  Sit on the grass. He stick a stamp on the envelope. See the beautiful hat on his head.
2. Time (date, days) (সময়, দিন বোঝাতে):
2) On Sunday morning, on Saturday evening. On 15th August, on 1st January, on Friday evening. He left on 1st may. They come here on Mondays.
3. Food taken regularly (বাঁচার উপকরণ/নির্ভরশীলতা বোঝাতে)/ By means/membership (কোনো কিছুর দ্বারা সাহায্য/সম্বন্ধ প্রসঙ্গ/সদস্যপদ বোঝাতে):3) The cow lives on grass. He is on committee/staff/panel. We live on rice. The book is on the play. Lactures on current affairs. Mr. Roy is on the committee. The musician played a tune on flute. On the peace committee. The monk lives on fruits.
4. Supported by or attached to (কিছুর উপর ভর করে / সংযুক্ত হয়ে / সম্বল বোঝাতে)4) He is riding on a bicycle. Poppy is lying on her back. The old man lives on pension. The information is available on internet. He walks on foot.
5. As a result of’ or basic of a topic (কোনো কিছুর কারণে বা ভিত্তি করে).
6) The film is based on imagination. John was arrested on the charge of murder. He writes /speaks on Milton. On tree plantation. On the subject of safe drive save life. On Shakespeare’s drama.   
6. Position (অবস্থান):7) On the first floor. On the right side. On the top floor.

IN: (ভিতরে, মধ্যে, অন্তর্গত প্রভৃতি ব্যবহৃত হয়।)

In half an hour
In a day
In time
In this year
In taste
In summer
in India
in the garden
in a row
In power
In pain
In danger
In a  difficulty
In arms
In sorrow
in America
in the Sun
in the East
In vain
Absorbed in
Apt in
Engaged in
Defective in
Rich in
in a hurry
in Power
in the bag
Write in ink
Pay in cash
Pay in advance
Rich in minerals
In answer
In revenge
in danger
in 1999
In absence
in a loud voice
in the sun
in fact
in general
in case
in the newspaper in time
in the garage
in a magazine
in the summer
in the same year
in the world
in the dark
in a taxi

TO: দিকে, প্রতি, পর্যন্ত, অবধি প্রভৃতি অর্থে ব্যবহৃত হয়।

OF: মালিকানা, সম্বন্ধ, সম্পর্ক প্রভৃতি অর্থে ব্যবহৃত হয়।

Few More: beg of him, made of glass, speak of him, come of noble family, two of them, born of a poor parents, died of Malaria, cured of illness, the city of joy, cause of failure, proof of guilty, want of money, fond of flowers, story of adventure, the poem of Tagore, the man of action, the legs of table, out of stock/ order/market/ control/ danger, afraid of, ashamed of, sure of, worthy of, tried of, hard of, lame/ deaf/ dull of.

BY: (পাশে, কাছে, ধারে, নিকটে, দ্বারা, কর্তৃক প্রভৃতি অর্থে ব্যবহৃত হয়।

By > With = ব্যক্তি বা প্রাণীর দ্বারা বোঝালে by এবং বস্তু বা যন্ত্রাংশের  ( Instrument) দ্বারা বোঝালে  With ব্যবহার করা হয়।
WITH: (সঙ্গে, দিয়ে প্রভৃতি অর্থে ব্যবহৃত হয়।
FROM : (হতে, থেকে, চেয়ে, অসুখের কারণে প্রভৃতি অর্থে ব্যবহৃত হয়।
Absent from school
Escape from danger
Escape from jail
Made from iron
Different from
Suffer from cold
Protect from cold
Come from Japan
Quote from Keats
Free from
Relief from
Differ from
Escape from
Prevent from
Prohibit from
Protect from
Recover from
Start from tomorrow
From head to foot
From door to door
From bad to worse


A. About (সম্বন্ধে/প্রায়/কাছাকাছিঅর্থে):

The PointsExample
Either than somebody or something. (পূর্বে বা আগে বোঝাতে)Before lunch. The day before holi. The day before yesterday. We should do morning exercise before breakfast. You must reach four hours before your flight. I need to have the day before yesterday. The day before Friday. He arrived before me. Leave your keys at reception before departure. 
Ahead of somebody or something. (কারো বা কোনোকিছুর আগে/পূর্বে বোঝাতে)Before the judge. Before the headmaster. Before the S.I. Your name is before me on the list. She puts his work before everything.
In front of something/somebody.Justice knelts before the power.
In the future sense. (ভবিষ্যত বোঝাতে)The whole winter lay before us. He will arrive before me.

C. Behind (পিছনে):

a) Support: (পাশে/সাথে)My family is always behind me. I hate sheltering behind power.
b) Toward the back (hidden) কোনো কিছুর পিছনে লুকানো।The child stays close behind his mother. She glanced behind her. The sun disappeared behind the clouds. We are behind schedule. They are behind us. The bike behind him ran into him.

D. Below (নিচে):

The PointsExample
a) lower level or position: নিম্ন স্তর বা অবস্থানHe divided below the surface of the water. Please do not write below the line.
b) Lower rank or his importance: কম পরিমাণ বা কম গাঢ়ত্বেরHis work is below than dignity. Her salary is below than her service.

E. Over (উপরে):

F. Under: (অধীনে)

G. Above: (উপরে)

H. Up: (উচ্চ)

The PointsExample
Higher position:The temperature is up today. She climbed up the flight. 
Upward movement on a vertical line. (উপরের দিকে খাড়া গতি):They walked up the hill. Climbing down the steps is easier than climbing up them.

I. Down (নীচে)

The PointsExample
Higher point to lower one. (উঁচু থেকে নীচে)The stone rolled down the hill. Tears ran down her face.
Downward movement (নিচের দিকে গতি) :We walked down the hilly road. They watched the sun go down the horizon. 

J. Along: (বরাবর)

The PointsExample
One end to other end. (এক প্রান্ত থেকে অন্য প্রান্ত।)The walked slowly along the road.
Side of something long: প্রান্তHouses had been built along the sides of the river. 
a. Fill in the blanks with preposition:
1. He came here __________ train (in/on/by)
2. He was born _________ 1935. (at/in/on)
3. He will see me __________ a week. (after/for)
4. A dog jumped _________ the table. (on/upon)
5. They went _________ the room. (in/into)
6.The farmer lives _______a small village.(from/in)
7. We will go to Mumbai __________ Sunday. (in/on)
8. He ate apple _________ mango.(besides/beside)
9.He has been watching T.V_________ morning.(for/since)
10. Translate it from English _____ Bengali. (in /for/into)
11. Distribute the money ________ two brothers. (between/among)
12. Tajmahal is made _________ marbles. (of /by/with)
13. He was sitting _________ me. (beside/besides)
14. Completed my course _______May. (at / on / in)
15. He has been living in Delhi _______ 1998. (since/for)
16. He will join our group _______ Tuesday. (since/from)
17. Rohit was ________ me in the rank. (above/over)
18. I agree _________ you. (to/with)
19. The Frog jumped _________ the well. (in/into)
20. He was walking _____the road. (above/along)
21. He has been writing ________ 8 a.m. (from/since/for)
22. He applied ________ the post. (to/for)
23. Please call ________ the doctor. (in/out)
24. Principal distributed the prizes __________ students. (between/among)
25. We should not compare one person ________ another. (to/another)
26. He agreed _________ my suggestion. (to/with)
27. The School will open _________ Tuesday. (at /in/on)
28. Shivaji is compared _________ a lion. (to/with)
29. It is 8 O’clock __________ my watch. (by/in)
30. They sat_____________   the shade of the tree.(in/under)
31. She is absent ________ yesterday. (since/from)
32. I agreed ________him. (with/from)
33. The Class started ________ 9 a.m. (in/at)
34. A week consists ________ seven days. (of/with)
35. Teacher went ________ the room. (in/into)
36. His father died ________ his country. (for/of)
37. The sun was shining _______ my head. (on/over)
38. I was familiar _______ this work. (with/to)
39. She was not aware ____ the coming danger. (on / of)
40. She was born _______ the poor parents. (to/of)
41. Sachin Tendulkar made a record 18th one-day century with ___________ unbeaten 127 _________ Zimbabwe ______________ the Queen’s Club Ground. Tendulkar who had equaled ____________ Mark _____________Hayens with his match winning 128 against Srilanka _________the Independence Cup final ______Colombo ____________July 7, achieved the grand distinction ____________ his 198th One-Day International Appearance.
b. Fill in the blanks with preposition:
1. He died                     hunger. (of/to)
2. Beware ________ pick pockets. (from/of)
3. We should not look down _____ the poor. (upon/to)
4. It is ten to nine ________ my clock. (on/by)
5. I am afraid  ________ snakes. (on/of)
6. He read novels ________ the text books. (beside/besides)
7. We were looking _______ a hotel. (for/after)
8. I had been working _______ two hours. (since/for)
9. We should deal ________ minors softly. (with/in)
10. This pen belongs _______ me. (on/to)
11. Please sit ______ me. (on/to)
12. A year consists  _______ twelve months. (of/with)
13. He had everything _______ mind. (to/in)
14. He went to Kolkata ________ August. (at/in)
15. He aimed ________ the target. (on/at)
16.The design was made _______ paper. (of/with)
17. He congratulated me ________ my success. (at/on)
18. Mangoes are sold ________ dozen. (by/with)
19. They died ______ a noble cause. (of/for)
20. I am not agree ________ you. (with/at)
21. Farmer divides his property _______ his four sons. (between/among)
22. Listen                      what the teacher says. (to/on)
23. I am angry _________ your habits.  (at/with)
24. He put his bag _________ me. (beside/besides)
25. He deals ________ garments. (in/with)
26. Price of book was ________ 250 rupees. (above/over)
27. We invited him ________ dinner. (at/to)
28. Catch him _______ the neck. (by/from)
29. Smoking is injurious _______ health. (to/on)
30. Many children died _______ cholera. (from/of)
31. They are looking ______ an opportunity. (at/for)
32. We started our journey ______ day break. (at/in)
33. He was familiar ________ me. (with/to)
34. He is related ______ her. (with/to)
35. He will return my book ______ Monday. (at/on)
36. He died ________ hunger. (of/to)
37. I told him ______ hand. (by/on)
39. He shot _______ the bird. (at/in)
40. The boss is quite pleased __________ (in / on / with / to) Robbie due to his honesty and professionalism.
41. Once upon a time, there was ______boy who dreamt ____________ making great buildings. He made friends _____________ a blind man whose ambition ______________ life was __________ design ____________ Church. One evening ___________ blind man told his young friend ___________ his concept __________the perfect cathedral. The boy took ______________ his skatch-book and began _____________ draw according _________ the specifications dicted ________ the blind man.

Article and preposition

A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions.

[1]  Sachin Tendulkar made a record one _______ day century with_______ unbeaten 127_____ Zimbabwe ____the Quee’s Club ground. Tendulkar had equaled ___ the mark ____Haynes with his match winning 128 against Sri Lanka ____the Independence Cup Final _____Colombo______ July 7,  achieved the grand distinction in his 198th one _______ day International appearance. [M.P-1999]

 [2] _____New Zealand cricket captain Stephen Flemming expects______ tough tour_______ India.  He said the 15 – member New Zealand team, who arrived__ a long and delayed Air – India flight from Christchurch with a stop – over _____Singapore, would benefit _____their tour and that was looking forward _____playing well here.  [M.P-2000]

[3]_____great deal has been said and written ______gypsies. As a strange tribe they excited much curiosity in the people with whom they lived. They hawked about small articles and sold them fairs. They attracted a great many people their magic shows one time it  was thought that they stole children with a view training them their ways life. [M.P-2001]

 [4] In ______ absence Andy Flower, his brother and new captain Grant Flower who had_____ tremendous Test series _____India, will have____ shoulder _____major responsibility. Stuart Carlile and Dion Ebrahim have displayed their hunger __runs and Alistair Cambell is long overdue for big innings.  [M.P-2002]

[5] Once upon a time, there was ______ boy who dreamed_______ making great buildings.  He made friends _____a blind man whose ambition_______ life was to design a church.  One evening blind______ man told his young friend his concept of the perfect cathedral.  The boy took his concept of the perfect cathedral and began to draw according ________ the specifications dictated by the blind man. [M.P-2003]

 [6] ________World Nutrition week is observed ______5th _______12th September.______ this occasion Prof.  Utpal Chowdhuri of_______ Department of Food Technology and Biochemical Engineering,  Jadavpur University lectures _______the new areas _____Nutrition Science ______a seminar in Kolkata. [M.P-2004]

 [7] The Transport Minister has constituted________ one-man committee to look ________ the demand of transport operators for _______ increase_______ fares.  [M.P-2005]

 [8] The disappearance of Subhas Chandra Bose_______ August 18, 1945 remains still______ unsolved mystery.  There is no definite evidence of ________unfortunate plane crash or Netaji being_________ the plane at all. [M.P-2006]

 [9] January 24, 1984 was a memorable day in Sudha’s life.  She was back _stage.  Arrangements were made_____ her dance program at ______big hall Bombay. [M.P-2007]

 [10] The Test match at Eden Gardens between two rival teams, India and Pakistan was _______exciting one.  There were ups and downs ______ the fortunes of the two teams.  In the first innings India’s total ____407 was almost overtaken ______Pakistan. [M.P-2008]

 [11] In India the first successful oil well was sunk_______ Borbhil, later known as Digboy, in Assam 10 October, 1989, ______ Digboy refinery is the oldest running refinery in the country. [M.P-2009]

[12] I arrived at my cousin’s house ____the evening.  It has freezing cold and we had______ early dinner in______ large room whose walls and ceiling were covered _____stuffed birds.  [M.P-2010]                                               

[13]    ______ tigers captured in the Sundarbans ______May 10 had to be brought to ______Alipore Veterinary Hospital_________ treatment. [M.P-2011]

[14] ______students from _________neighboring school are going _________ excursion to Darjeeling _____ their teachers.  [M.P-2012]

[15] Most people are fond _______mystery stories.  They find ________extra pleasure______ trying to solve_______ mystery along with the investigator. [M.P-2013]

 (16) Al l______ girls _____ this village have promised to fight ________the curse________ child marriage. [M.P-2014]

[17] Lepchajagat is _______most exquisite place in the western part ________Darjeeling hills  It offers______ unique experience__________ nature lovers with its alpine scenario and magnificent view of Kanchanjungha. [M.P-2015]

 [18] India stormed into__________ quarter finals __________ the World Cup on Friday, defeating West Indies ________four wickets in __ not-so-high scoring game in Perth. [M.P-2016]

 [19] When John arrived ________Mumbai _____ train, there was not _______single penny in his pocket. [M.P-2017]

 [20] In _______evenings they would sit together________ the dining table and rearrange the Stamps. He had __album for each country. [M.P-2018]

B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions.

1. The ashes of Bapu were immersed ______ the Ganges where ______ huge crowd had gathered ______ the bank.

2. Prof. Amartya Sen is _______ great son _______ India. He was born on 3rd November, 1933. He was named ‘Amartya’ ______ Rabindranath Tagore.

3. Many fat gentlemen lived _____ Ealing and caught this train _____ town. They all started late. They all carried ______ black bag and newspaper in one hand.

4. I was ___ my wit’s end. People smiled ________me when they met me in ___ streets.

5. When he returned home he did ______ course _______ Zoology and was appointed a guide at the museum of ______ Bombay Natural History Society.

6. The Thurlow lived ______ a small hill. As though it were not high enough, the house was raised _______ as on invisible stilts, with a wooden flight of steps to _________ front door.

7. _________ Amazon Rainforest is located ______ South America and covers _______ area of approximately 5.500,000 square kilometres.

8. That was why I was curious ______ meet Thomas Wilson. It was ______ interesting and a bold thing he had done. Of course the end was not yet and ______ the experiment was concluded it was impossible to call it successful.

9. The white man gazed straight ______ him into the darkness with wide-open eyes. The fear and fascination, _____ inspiration and the wonder of death _______ of death near, unavoidable, and unseen, soothed the unrest ___ his race and stirred the most indistinct, the most intimate of his thoughts.

10. My freedom is limited _______ what is possible and legal. But am I not ______ face free to kill my neighbour provided I can do it without being found ______.Well, yes, in fact I am.

11. ______ English newspaper published ______ а reputed business house has started their e-edition. It is going to be popular _______ the young generation.

12. We were ______ the habit of bathing _______ a beach called ________ Baths of Tiberius.

13. The first term _______ school came to ______ end. David went home for the holidays. In the meantime a baby had been born ______ his mother.

(14) The transport minister has constituted _____ one man committee to look ______ the demand of transport operators for ______ increase _______ fares.

(15) The disappearance of Subhash Chandra Bose _______ August 18, 1945 remains still ______ unsolved mystery. There is no definite evidence of ______ unfortunate place crash or of Netaji being ________ the plane at all.

(16) January 24, 1984 was a memorable day in Sudhan’s life. She was back on _______ stage. Arrangements were made ______ her dance program at ______ big hall ______ Bombay.

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