What is active and passive voice with examples?


VOICE (বাচ্য)

Active voicePassive voiceQuasi-Passive Voice
Active :- A fisherman caught a big fish.
Passive :- A big fish was caught by a fisherman.
Active :- Ram killed Ravana.
Passive :- Ravana was killed by Ram

Voice: ক্রিয়া প্রকাশের ভঙ্গিমাকেই Voice বা বাচ্য বলে। ক্রিয়ার প্রকাশ ভঙ্গি বলে দেয় কর্তা কাজটি নিজে করছেন, না কর্তার দ্বারা কোনো কাজ সম্পন্ন হচ্ছে। অথবা Voice হল Verb –এর গঠন যার দ্বারা বোঝা যায় Subject নিজে কিছু করে, নাকি অন্যের কাজ তার উপর এসে পরে। (Voice is the form of the verb which indicates whether the subject acts or acted upon.)

Types of voice: There are three types :

1. Active voice

2. Passive voice

3. Quasi-passive.

1. Active Voice: যে Sentence –এ Subject নিজে সক্রিয় বা Active হয়ে কাজ সম্পন্ন করে সেই Sentence –এ Verb –এর Active Voice হয়। (When the subject of a verb is doer/actor, the Verb is called Active.)

&         Subject + verb + obj: Example: He is playing cricket. You write a letter. I do the work.  

2. Passive Voice: যে Sentence–এ Subject নিজে কাজটি সক্রিয়ভাবে করে না বরং Object –এর কাজটি তার ওপর এসে পরে তখন সেই Sentence –এ Verb –এর Passive Voice হয়। (When the subject of the sentence is acted upon, the verb is passive.)

&      Object + Be-Verb + V3 + by + Sub: Example: The work is done by me. A letter is written by you. Cricket is being played by him.

3. Quasi-Passive Voice: গঠনের দিক থেকে Active কিন্তু অর্থের দিক থেকে Passive. (A Quasi-Passive voice is active in form but passive in sense.)

Honey tastes sweet.Honey is sweet when it is tasted.
The house is building.The house is being built.

To Change Voice, We should learn the following very carefully 

1. Verb: –বাক্যমধ্যস্থ Verb ও Subject –এর অবস্থান দেখে চিনতে হবে, তা Active –এ, না Passive –এ আছে; তারপর লক্ষ্য করতে হবে Sentence টি Assertive না Interrogative –এ আছে। আবার Verb –এর গঠন বা Syntax দেখে Tense বুঝে, Positive, Negative ও Interrogative –এর Syntax অনুসরণ করে Voice Change করতে হবে।

2. Subject:– বাক্যমধ্যস্থ Verb কে ‘Who’ দিয়ে প্রশ্ন করে Subject বের করতে হবে। Subject সাধারণত Noun/Pronoun হয়; তবে Subject –এর সহিত Pre বা Post-Modifier অর্থাৎ Adjective বা Article বা কোন Participle যুক্ত থাকতে পারে। যেমন- He/She/Ram.  আবার- A strong Man. My brother. This pen. The honest man. A beautiful bird. An awful person. ইত্যাদি  Subject রূপে ব্যবহৃত হয়।

3. Object: – বাক্যমধ্যস্থ Verb কে ‘What’ দিয়ে প্রশ্ন করে Direct Object (Non-living Object – বস্তুবাচক- যেমন- Pen, Book) বা Whom দিয়ে প্রশ্ন করে Indirect Object (Living Object – প্রাণীবাচক- যেমন- Ram, Mother, You) বের করতে হবে।

4. Case: – Active থেকে Passive Voice –এ পরিবর্তনের সময় Active Voice –এর Subject কে Passive Voice –এ Object–এ রূপান্তরিত করতে হয়, তাই Case জানা প্রয়োজন।

Verb: Voice Change করার জন্য Verb –এর Present form (v1), Past (v2), Past Participle (v3) মুখস্ত করতে হবে। কারণ Passive Voice –এ মূল Verb –এর তৃতীয় রূপ অর্থাৎ V3 সর্বদা ব্যবহৃত হয়।

5. Verb: Voice Change  করার জন্য Verb –এর Present form (v1), Past (v2), Past Participle (v3) মুখস্ত করতে হবে। কারণ Passive Voice –এ মূল Verb –এর তৃতীয় রূপ অর্থাৎ V3 সর্বদা ব্যবহৃত হয়।

** Rules of Changing Voice  – From Active to Passive **

The cat killed a mouse.
A mouse was killed by the cat.

1. Active Voice –এর Subject, Passive Voice –এ Object হয় এবং Object; Subject রূপে ব্যবহৃত হয়।

Active: – Sachin (S) plays (V) Cricket (O).  >  Passive: – Cricket (O) is played (V3) by Sachin(S).

2. Object  বসানোর পূর্বে – একটি Preposition প্রয়োগ করতে হয়, মূলত Preposition  রূপে ‘by’ ব্যবহার করতে হয়।

3. Active Voice –এর মূল Verb –এর তৃতীয় রূপ (V3) ব্যবহৃত হয় Passive Voice –এ।

 Ex: –   Active:- I am writing a letter.    > Passive: – A letter is being written (v3) by me.

4. Subject Noun হলে কোন পরিবর্তন হয় না, কিন্তু Subject Pronoun হলে Case–এর উপরের দেওয়া ছক দেখে Subject –এর পরিবর্তন করতে হবে। I > Me/ We > Us/ You > You/ They > Them/ He > Him/ She > Her/ It > It.

5. Auxiliary Verb –এর ব্যবহার হবে Tense অনুসারে।

The detailed study of Voice with examples according to the changes of tense.

***     Present Indefinite Tense     ***

প্রতিটিTense –এর মতো Present Indefinite Tense –এর Positive, Negative, Yes/No Question –এর Active থেকে Passive বা Passive থেকে Active –এ পরিবর্তন করার নিয়ম একই তবে Helping Verb –এর স্থানের কেবলমাত্র পরিবর্তন হয়ে থাকে। নিম্নে দেখানো হল:                                                         

** Positive –এর গঠন উদাহরণ:

*** Negative –এরগঠনওউদাহরণ:  (Do/does কে Passive এ বাদ দিতে হবে)

**** Wh Question ***

Wh-Word –এর Passive করতে হলে;  প্রথমে Wh-Word টি বসবে,  তারপর একই নিয়ম প্রযোজ্য হবে; Interrogative Sentence কে Assertive Sentence –এ রূপান্তর করে নিতে হবে + রূপান্তরিত  Assertive Sentence –এর Active থেকে Passive Voice –এ রূপান্তরিত করতে হবে + রূপান্তরিত  Passive Voice –এর  Auxiliary Verb টি কে প্রথমে বসাতে হবে + শেষে প্রশ্নবোধক চিহ্ন (?) বসাতে হবে। এক্ষেত্রে কখনো কখনো  ‘Some one’ Subject উহ্য  (y) থাকে। (Do/does কে Passive এ বাদ দিতে হবে)

**Who যুক্ত Active Voice কে Passive Voice –এ রূপান্তর করার নিয়ম –

Structure: Who –এর পরিবর্তে By whom + Tense ও Person অনুযায়ী Auxiliary Verb + Object –এর Subject + Tense অনুযায়ী কর্তার পরে be-verb/being/been বসাতে হয় +V3 + ?

A: Who + V1+ Obj+?P: By whom + am/is/are + Obj +V3+?
Who writes it?                                                   By whom is it written?
Who plays football?By whom is football played.

** Whom –এর পরিবর্তে Who + Tense Person অনুযায়ী

Whom + do/does + sub + V1 + Others?Who + am/is/are + V3 + by + Obj + others?
Whom do you see on the road?Who is seen by you on the road?
Whom does he murder in this room?Who is murdered by him in this room?

*** Past Indefinite Tense***

সমস্ত নিয়ম Present Indefinite Tense এর মতই কেবল am/is/are এর স্থানে was/were এর প্রয়োগ করতে হবে, এবং Negative ও Interogative এর ক্ষেত্রে did কে Passive Voice এ বাদ দিতে হবে।

***Future Indefinite Tense***

সমস্ত নিয়ম একই; কেবলমাত্র was/were এর স্থানে shall be/will be প্রয়োগ করতে হবে।

***Present Continuous Tense***

সমস্ত নিয়ম একই; কেবলমাত্র am/is/are এর পর being + V3  প্রয়োগ করতে হবে।

***Past Continuous Tense*** (Being + V3)

*** Present Perfect Tense*** (Been + V3)

*** Past Perfect Tense*** (Been + V3)

***Future Perfect Tense*** (Have been + V3)

***Modal Verbs*** (Be + V3)

***Perfect Modal*** (Have been + V3)

***Imperative Sentence***

1. Imperative Sentence-এ Subject Silent (উহ্য) থাকে। এই জাতীয় বাক্যের Passive Voice দুই ভাবে করা হয়। Let দিয়ে বা You are + ordered/requested/instructed/suggested/advised/informed etc. দিয়ে।  

A: V1+Obj+rest.P: Let +Obj+be+V3+rest.    OR,
P: You are ordered/requested+to+V1+rest.
Do it now.Let it be done now.  OR,You are ordered to do it now.
Finish the work as soon as possibleLet the work be finished as soon as possible. OR, You are ordered to finish the work as soon as possible.

2. যদি Imperative Sentence-টি Please বা Kindly দিয়ে আরম্ভ হয়, তাহলে You are requested+to+V1+Obj+rest ব্যবহৃত হয় এবং Please বা Kindly কে Passive Voice এ বাদ দিতে হয়।

A: Please/kindly + V1+Obj +rest.             You are requested+to+V1+Obj. (- Please/Kindly)
Please do this.                                                            You are requested to do this.
Kindly give me a glass of water.                 You are requested to give me a glass of water.

3. কিন্তু Please বা kindly –এর পর not  অর্থাৎ Negative বাক্য থাকলে Passive Voice –এ to –এর পূর্বেই not ব্যবহৃত হয়, এবং ‘do not’ কে তুলে দিতে হয়।

A: Please do not+ Obj.                                   P: You are requested + not+ to+V1.
Please do not go there.                                          You are requested not to go there. (-Please/+do)
Please do not smoke.                                                      You are requested not to smoke.  (-Please/+do)

4. Never, Only, always, just প্রভৃতি Adverb  যদি Imperative Sentence –এ থাকে,  তাহলে সেগুলি Adverb ‘be’ –এর সামনে ব্যবহৃত হয়।

6. Imperative Sentence –টি যদি Let দিয়ে শুরু করা হয়, অর্থাৎ Let –এরপর যদি Active Voice থাকে,  তার Voice করার সময় দ্বিতীয় Object কে প্রথমে আনতে হয়, অথবা Sub+may be allowed ব্যবহার করতে হয়।

A: Let +Obj(1)+V1+Obj(2)+rest.    P: Let + Obj(2)+be+V3+by +Obj(1)+rest.
OR,Let+obj+ be allowed+to+V1+Obj(2)+rest.
Let him do it once more.Let it be done by him once more. OR, Let him be allowed to do it once more.
Let him buy a book.Let a book be bought by him. OR, Let him be allowed to buy a book.
Let his dog jump upon me.Let his dog be allowed to jump upon me.

7. Imperative Sentence –এ যখন অন্যকে দিয়ে কাজটি করিয়ে নেওয়া বোঝায়, তখন Let –এর পরিবর্তে আমরা Get বা Have বা Should ও ব্যবহার করতে পারি। যেমন-

***Assertive Sentence এর বিশেষ বিশেষ নিয়মাবলীঃ-

Rule-1. Active Voice –এ যখন দুটি Object থাকে: – Direct Object –এবং Indirect Object, তখন যেকোনো একটিকে Passive Voice –এর Subject রূপে ব্যবহৃত করতে হয় এবং অপরটি অপরিবর্তনীয় অর্থাৎ Retained Object রূপেই Passive voice –এ ব্যবহৃত হয়। তবে Indirect Object (প্রাণীবাচক) কেই সাধারণ Subject রূপে Passive Voice –এ রূপান্তরিত করলে বেশী নিরাপদ। কারণ Direct Object কে Subject রূপে ব্যবহার করলে Retained Object (Indirect Object) –এর পূর্বে to/for Preposition ব্যবহার করতে হয়।

A: He gave me(Obj1) a book(Obj2).P: I was given a book by him. OR, P: A book was given to me by him.
He sent us a present.We were sent a present by him. OR, A present was sent to me by him.

Rule-2. নিম্নলিখিত Verb –এর Passive Voice –এ ‘By’ ব্যবহৃত হয়না। এগুলির পরে Appropriate Preposition বসে।

Rule-3. নিম্নলিখিত Verb –এর শেষে Appropriate Preposition থাকেই। তাই এর Passive করতে হলে Double Preposition ব্যবহৃত হয়। Listen-to, Aim-at, Longer, Run-over, Look after, Laugh at, Dispensed with. যেমন-

The bus ran over a boy.A boy was run-over by the bus.
Mother looked after the baby.      The baby was looked after by mother.
I will not depend on you.                     You will not be depended on by me.
Who must look into the matter?               By whom must the matter be looked into?

Rule-4. Self যুক্ত Object –কে Reflexive Object বলে। এরকম Reflective Object কখনও Passive –এ Subject হয় না। ‘By’ –এরপর এটি Object রূপেই থাকে,  আর মূল Subject টি Case –এর ছক অনুসারে ব্যবহৃত হয়। [Subject একই থাকে।] যেমন-

I hurt myself.                                           I was hurt by myself.
She killed herself.                                   She was killed by herself.
Why does he hate himself?                   Why is he hated by himself?
Do it yourself.                                           It should be done by you. OR, You are advised to do it yourself.

Rule-5. সাধারণত বাক্যে জোর বা Emphasis  করতে Passive Voice আমরা ব্যবহার করি,  তবে তার Active Voice করতে হলে Subject রূপে I/we/you/they  প্রভৃতি বাক্যের অর্থ বুঝে Subject রূপে ধার আনতে হয়, যা Passive Voice –এ silent থাকে। আবার কখনো কখনো  One, Someone Somebody, Authority, Government, Polics, Strom, Committee প্রভৃতি Subject রূপে ব্যবহৃত হয়।

Rule-6. Verb টি যদি Negative হয় এবং Object টি যদি anybody, anything, anyone  হয়,  তাহলে Passive –এর সময় নিচের Syntax টি অনুসরণ করে।

A: Sub + Negative-active verb + Obj (anybody, anything) +rest.P: Obj (as Sub.) (Nobody, Anybody, Anything) +Positive-passive verb+by +Sub (as Obj.) +rest. (- not)
I do not hate anybody.Nobody is hated by me.
He cannot trust anything.Nothing can be trusted by him.

Rule-7. Factitive Object/Complementary Objects যুক্ত Active Voice কে Passive Voice –এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম:

[Select, elect, nominate, make call, name ইত্যাদি transitive verb হওয়া সত্তেও সম্পূর্ণরুপে অর্থ প্রকাশ করতে পারেনা। পরিপূর্ণ অর্থ প্রকাশ করার জন্য অতিরিক্ত Object আনতে হয়। এইরুপ অতিরিক্ত Object কে Factitive Object/Complementary Object বলে।]

Factitive Object/Complementary Object (select, elect, nominated, make) এবং Factitive Verb (make, find, call, elect, consider) প্রভৃতি তে সাধারণত একটি Object এবং একটি Complement থাকে। এক্ষেত্রে Complement কে Subject রূপে Passive ই ব্যবহার করলে ভুলহবে,  তাই Object কেই Passive –এ Subject রূপে ব্যবহার করতে হবে এবং Complement টি বাক্যের মধ্যে Retained রূপে রাখতে হবে।

A: Sub+ Factative verb + Obj +complement + rest.P: Obj (as Sub.) +Passive-factitiveverb+complement +by+ Sub (as Obj.) +rest. (Retained Object রুপে Complement কে রেখে দিতে হয়।
We made him captain.                                      He was made captain by us.
They elected him Secretary.                            He was elected Secretary by them.
Teachers elected Rambabu Principal.Rambabu was elected Principal by teachers.

Rule-8. Conjugate Object যুক্ত Active কে Passive Voice –এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম: Conjugate Object যুক্ত কিছু Intransitive Verb, তাদের সমর্থক Object নিয়ে Transitive হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হলে, এধরনের Conjugate Object –এর Passive Voice হয়। Live > Life/ Die > Death/ Laugh > Laught প্রভৃতি Intransitive Verb –এর Conjugate Object থাকে, তাই এগুলির Passive Voice করা যায়।

He died a heroic death.                 A heroic death was died by him.
The boy runs a race.                         A race was run by the boy. 

Rule-9:        Quasi-Passive Voice:Taste, small, feel, sell, read, count, wear  প্রভৃতি Verb দিয়ে গঠিত বাক্য, গঠনের দিক থেকে Active  হলেও Sense (অর্থ) –এর দিক থেকে Passive হয়। এর Passive এর Passive দুইভাবে হয়- Indefinite ও Continuous. যেমন-

A: Sub+উপরের Verb +Adjective/Adverb+rest.        P: Sub+be-verb+adjective+when+Sub(it,they)+be-verb+V3+rest.
Honey tastes sweet.                     Honey is sweet when it is tasted.
The stone feel rough.                The stone is rough when it is felt.
The sweets smell sour.                  The sweets are sour when they are smelt.

Rule-10: Continuous Tense (ing-verb) –এর QuasivePassive Voice নিম্নরূপঃ

A: Sub+be-verb+ V-ing+ rest.                        P: Sub+be-verb+being+V3+rest.
The house is building.                        The house is being built.
The bell is ringing.                             The bell is being rung.
Mangoes are selling.                         Mangoes are being sold.

Rule-11: Compound Sentence:  Compound Sentence –এ সব Clause –এর Passive করতে হয়। Tense –এবং Voice –এর সব নিয়ম এক্ষেত্রে একই হয়।

The police raided the house and recovered the money.    The house was raided and the money was recovered.
He picked up stones and threw it into the river. Stones were picked up and were thrown into the river.

Rule-12: Complex Sentence: Complex Sentence –এর Principal –এবং Sub-Ordinate Clause উভয়কে Passive করতে হয়।

The teacher told me that I should read the novel.   I was told by the teacher that the novel should be read by me. OR, That novel should be read by me was told by the teacher.
We must endure what we cannot cure.  What cannot be cured must be endured.  OR, That must be endured what cannot be cured.
He said to me that he did not know my name.           I was said by him that my name was not known to him.
I cannot depend on what he says.              What is said by him cannot be depended on/upon me. 

*Complex Sentence –এর Principal Clause –এ যদি Active Voice  এ Object না থাকে তাহলে, Passive করার সময় Subject রূপে  It is said/It is believed/hoped/thought+that  ব্যবহৃত হয়।

People say that he is honest.     It is said that he is honest.
They believed that he is a cheat.    It is believed that he is a cheat.
We khow that the earth is round.    It is known to us that the earth is round.
We hope that we shall finish the work in time.   It is hoped that the work will be finished in time.

Rule-13: Infinite –এর Voice: মূলত ছয়টি পদ্ধতি মেনে Infinitive কে Active থেকে Passive –এ রূপান্তর করা হয়ে থাকে। তবে লক্ষ্য রাখতে হবে : Active Verb –এর Infinitive–এর পূর্বে Object আছে, নাকি Infinitive –এরপর Object আছে, নাকি Infinitive –এরপর কোনো Object-ই নেই, নাকি It is time + Infinitive আছে, না কোনো Verbal Noun আছে, তা দেখে নিয়ে নিচের Syntax অনুসারে Voice Change  করতে হয়।

1. See, make, compel –প্রভৃতি Verb –এরপর ‘to’ (উহ্য) silent থাকে।

Rule 14: Agree, arrange, determine, determined, decide, demand, + infinitive + object যুক্ত Active Voice কে Passive Voice –এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম:

Structure: প্রদত্ত Active Voice –এর Subject + মূল Verb + that + infinitive –এর পরের + object + should be + infinitive –এর পরের verb –এর past participle form.

He decided to buy the house.He decided that the house should be bought.
You agreed to sell the house.You agreed that the house should be sold.

Rule 15: Gerund combination অর্থাৎ advise/propose/recommend/suggest + gerund + object যুক্ত Active Voice কে Passive Voice –এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম:

Structure: প্রদত্ত active voice –এর subject + মূল verb + that + gerund –এর পরের object টি + should be + প্রদত্ত gerund টি, Verb –এ রুপান্তরিত হয়ে Verb –এর Past Participle form বসে।

He suggested giving up smoking.He suggested that smoking should be given up.
He wanted playing football.He wanted that football should be played.

Rule 16: Infinitive যুক্ত Active Voice কে Passive Voice –এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম:

Structure: প্রদত্ত Active Voice –এর subject + মূল Verb + infinitive –এর পরের Object (যদি থাকে) + to be + Infinitive –এর পরের Verb –এর Past Participle form.

He wants someone to take camera.He wants camera to be taken.
He wants you to write a letter.He wants a letter to be taken.

Rule 17: Subject + Verb + Object + Present Participle যুক্ত Active Voice কে Passive Voice –এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম:

Structure : Object –এর Subject + Tense ও Person অনুযায়ী Auxiliary Verb + Verb –এর Past Participle form + Present Participle যুক্ত অংশটি + By + Subject-এর Object.

** In simple sentence double passive should be avoided.

1. A: They proposed to hold a meeting.          P: A meeting was proposed to be held. (x)

 It was proposed by them to hold a meeting. ( ) OR, It was proposed by them that a meeting should be held. ( )

Change the Voice

1. The authorities postponed the cricket match. [MP – 2020]
2. He has worked out the answers carefully. [MP – 2019]
3. The teacher delivered a lecture to a group of students. [MP – 2018]
4. My friend gave me a story book. [MP – 2017]
5. I know the man. [MP – 2016]
6. Many buildings have been damanged by flood. [MP – 2015]  
7. Please maintain silence in this room. [MP – 2014]
8. The teacher gave Suresh an exercise book. [MP – 2013] 9. I am writing a poem. [MP – 2012]
10. Please post the letter. [MP – 2011]
11. Shut the door. [MP – 2010]
12. I received a phone call. [MP – 2009]
13. We call the tiger our national animal. [MP – 2008]
 14. Someone wrote this
letter in the nineteenth century. [MP – 2007]
15. They gave each of the participants a handsome prize.  [MP – 2005]
16. Let the door be shut. [MP – 2004]  

Exercise: Change the Voice

1. I read the newspaper. 2. You write a letter. 3. He takes tea. 4. She knows me. 5. They Play ludo at home. 6. Julie helps them. 7. A nurse looks after the patients. 8. John calls him a fool. 9. The judge finds him guilty. 10. Boys play football in the field. 11. Children do not like fruits. 12. Peter does not love you. 13. Do you drink milk? 14. Does Rahul buy this book? 15. Who brings this bag?1. They fed us. 2.  I saw this picture. 3. He liked fruits. 4. You answered two questions. 5. Raju cheered the speaker. 6. She drank a glass of water. 7. A car ran over a little puppy. 8. We made him the captain. 9. Lily knew this matter. 10. The hen laid a golden egg daily. 11. Jack did not buy a toy. 12. Students did not leave the class. 13.  Did you close the door? 14. Did Neha see the man? 15.  Why did the teacher punish you?
1. I shall play cricket. 2. We shall draw this picture. 3. You will answer the question. 4. They will construct a big building. 5. She will do it. 6. Henry will purchase a bike. 7. We shall establish a library in this village. 8. Nitin will tell me a story. 9.  Mr. Shyam will teach us English. 10. Students will finish this work. 11. The thief will not tell the truth. 12. I shall not break the glass. 13.  Will you help me? 14. Shall we ask a question? 15.  Who will defeat him?1. I am writing a letter. 2. He is flying a kite. 3. She is plucking the flowers. 4. They are playing football. 5.  Tom is singing a sweet song. 6. Ranu is cutting grass in the field. 7. You are lightening the lamp. 8. The teacher is telling us a story. 9. They are working out the sums. 10.  Children are laughing at the begger. 11. I am not reading the novel. 12. Students are not cleaning the classroom. 13. Is Monty cooking dinner? 14. Are we forgetting the truth? 15. Who is cutting the tree?
1. I was flying a kite. 2. She was singing a song. 3. Rinki was writing a letter. 4. They were taking tea. 5. He was drinking a glass of water. 6. Rahul was solving the sums. 7. They were helping us. 8. Abhijit was telling us a story. 9. Girls were drinking cold water. 10.  Julie was calling you. 11. Birds were not making their nests. 12. Labours were not building this house. 13.  Were you reading the story then? 14. Was she cooking rice? 15. What was he doing?1. I shall have finished the work. 2. She will have sung a song. 3. They will have drawn the pictures. 4. We shall have purchased pencils. 5. Jolly will have told you something. 6. Mother will have blessed me. 7. Bhaskar will have done some important works. 8. Ranu Sen will have bought a flat. 9. The dog will have killed a cat. 10. I shall have looked after her. 11. Sonam will have not posted the letters. 12. We shall have not made noise. 13. Will you have drunk milk? 14. Shall we have helped you? 15. Who will have taken tea?  
1. I have seen the Tajmahal . 2. You have told me a story. 3. She has plucked the flowers in the garden. 4. He has bought two pens. 5. They have drunk milk. 6. Students have worked out the sums. 7.  Sunil has posted the letters. 8.  They have made him the king. 9. Ronika has seen me in Mumbai. 10. The cat has killed two rats. 11. The doctor has not treated the patients. 12. We have not written these letters.1. She had killed a deer. 2. You had shown the way. 3.  They had posted the letter. 4. The girl had knitted a sweater. 5. I had plucked the flowers. 6. He had played cricket. 7. Rahul had given me a chocolate. 8. Sonu had read a newspaper. 9. We had paid the rent. 10. She had looked after a child. 11. The cat had not killed a rat. 12. Jack had eaten a pasta. 13. Had she finished the work? 14. Had students seen me? 15. Who had finished it?
1. You may take this pen. 2. He might sell his car. 3. You must maintain discipline. 4. The rich should help poor. 5. Rinku can do this work. 6. You could do it easily. 7. Student cannot disobey the teachers. 8. Would you lend me a pen? 9. May I help you? 10. We ought to serve our motherland.1. Do this work. 2. Shut the door. 3. Give me the book. 4. Answer the question. 5. Allow me to go. 6. Please help me. 7. Look at the sun. 8. Kindly light the lamp. 9.  Change the voice. 10. Stand up. 11. Do not torture the street dog. 12. Do not switch off the fan. 13. Do not smoke everywhere. 14.  Let me do it. 15. Let him finish the work.

Change the voice of the following sentences

1. John takes tea. 2. Mita sings two songs. 3. He has made a doll. 4. He will cook a meal. 5. The cat killed the mouse. 6. Coloumbas discovered America 7. Marry is painting a house. 8. He is writing a report. 9. The teacher praised me. 10. I enjoyed the party. 11. The girl will accept the gift. 12. The government owns this forest area.  13. He planted the tree in this garden. 14. Everybody loves his country. 15. He kept his promise. 16. You draw a picture. 17. Someone is knocking at the door. 18. They are asking some questions. 19. You have had tea. 20. John has brought some fishes. 21. You will pay the tax. 22. I enjoyed the show.  23. Grand-mother told the story. 24. I was boiling eggs.  25. We were chasing the thief. 26. You will prepare the dish. 27. I borrowed some money from my uncle. 28. You can do this. 29. Who wants a chocolate? 30. Do they play football? 31. We shall make her a fool. 32. A Gupta taught us English. 33. Does she speak to the officials? 34. Whom do you want? 35. Solve the problem. 36. Add a few lines. 37. Close the door. 38. Play the guitar. 39. Write a note. 40. Feed the baby. 41. Solve the matter. 42. Ignore it. 43. Accept the reality. 44. Don’t forget it. 45. Give it to your mother. 46. Go there. 47. Can I use your towel? 48. Don’t move. 49. May I borrow your dictionary? 50. Nobody touched your bag. 51. How will explain it? 52. What colour do you like? 53. Whose car did he drive? 54. I do not play cricket. 55. They will not answer me. 56. They did not break the glasses. 57. You have learnt the table. 58. I must write this. 59. Don’t pluck the flower. 60. Button your shirt. 61. Brush your teeth. 62. Anybody can learn English. 63. All should stop smoking. 64. They did not help us. 65. We might win the prize. 66. Nobody has cheered the boy. 67. He does not love you. 68. Nobody has obeyed the rules. 69. I know her. 70. The author has not finished writing. 71. Fly this bird. 72. Give him hundred rupees. 73. I cut the fruits. 74. What did he see? 75. Do you know her? 76. You are doing me a favour. 77. He punished the guilty. 78. I see a beautiful bird. 79. What can I do with a seed? 80. They had killed the tiger. 81. We are watching PK movie. 82. Drop the certain. 83. Let me go inside. 84. Can you hold this for a moment? 85. I will donate the donation the next week. 86. I shall pay the rent tomorrow. 86. Everyone rejected my proposal. 87. Who saved you from danger? 88. Have you lost those keys? 89. The guards did not allow him to enter. 90. Have you ever seen a desert? 91. She called me a cheater. 92. Put the gun Down. 93. I shall meet him. 94. Who has taken the eraser? 95. Tom loved jerry. 96. She gave me a gift. 97. Grandpa told us a story. 98. Mr. Shyam teaches us English. 99. Why have you hit me?  100. Why did they refuse your admission?

Voice change

Change the voice of the following sentences from active to passive
(a) I see the moon.
(b) You stitch clothes in that shop.
(c) She loves burgers.
(d) He visits us every day.
(e) I drank plenty of water.
(f) Did you hear the sound of a moving car?
(g) I liked reading.
(h) You have parked the car in the lane.
(i) I don’t like apples.
(j) She was celebrating her birthday with the senior citizens in the ashram.
(k) People are enjoying the match.
Change the voice of the following sentences from active to passive.
(a) They celebrate Holi every year.
(b) Mohan does not make excuses.
(c) Sheetal writes a letter.
(d) Mona does eat apples.
(e) Hari repairs watch.
(f) She washes clothes. ,
(g) Mohan reads a novel every day.
(h) Where do you throw the waste papers?
(i) They don’t follow the rules.
(k) Who has broken the cup?
(l) How did he manage the trick?
Change the voice of the following sentences from passive to active,
(a) Cars are repaired here by us.
(b) The sweets are distributed on Sunday by them.
(c) A meeting is held on every Sunday by them.
(d) My sister is always helped by Mona.
(e) Holi is celebrated by all.
(f) Rules of the school are always followed by students.
(g) Tea is prepared by her.
(h) Clothes are washed by us on every Sunday.
(i) My birthday is celebrated on 2 October.
(j) Is she always welcomed by them?
Change the voice of the following sentences from active to passive.
(a) Rohan is playing cricket.
(b) Ramesh is singing a song.
(c) Uma is writing a letter.
(d) They are watching TV.
(e) The workers are making a wall.
(f) The PWD is constructing this building.
(g) She is eating a banana.
(h) Are you reading this novel?
(i) When are they sending the gift?
(j) Who is chasing them?
Change the voice of the following sentences from passive to active.
(a) I am being disturbed by you.
(b) He is not being teased by them.
(c) Are you being trained by him?
(d) Sixes after sixes are being hit by Viraat Kohli.
(e) A lot of time is being wasted by them.
(f) Wide balls are being bowled by Ishant Sharma.
(g) Are they being chased by anybody?
(h) Holi is being celebrated by all.
(i) A letter is being written to the President of India by them.
Change the voice of the following sentences from active to passive.
(a) They have bought school uniform.
(b) The doctors have operated upon him. A’
(c) Ali has made peace with his friends.
(d) Pratima has visited the doctor. .
(e) Measles has infected Parul.
(f) I have brought lots of sweets.
(g) She has finished her work.
(h) Mohan has invited Shobha.
(i) They have not prepared the project.
(j) Have they completed the task?
Change the voice of the following sentences from passive to active.
(a) The violin has been played by me.
(b) Homework has been done by me.
(c) Lunch has been eaten by the children.
(d) The car has been cleaned by them.
(e) The shoes have been polished by me.
(f) Justice has been done to victims.
(g) This has been known to me for a long time.
(h) A beautiful dress has been purchased by me.
(I) Has a safari been experienced by you?
(j) The movie has been seen by them on Monday.
Change the voice of the following sentences from active to passive.
(a) I ate my dinner alone.
(b) I needed a break from work.
(c) Rina took the train.
(d) I used the subway, to cross the road. A’
(e) I saw them going towards the temple.
(f) Rani cleaned the entire floor.
(g) I planted these trees.
(h) She drank the whole glass of milk.
(i) He booked a seat for me last week.
(j) Why did you not help him?
Change the voice of the following sentences from passive to active.
(a) The plants were watered by the gardener.
(b) Dinner was eaten by me.
(c) The song was sung by me.
(d) The painting was made by him.
(e) He was praised by his father.
(f) Yoga was learnt by the students.
(g) The secret was known to my mother.
(h) The poem was written by Byron.
(i) I was shouted at by the neighbours.
(j) The facts were denied by the witnesses in the court.
Change the voice of the following sentences from active to passive.
(a) Vidit was taking all the prescribed medicines.
(b) The tourists were visiting the beautiful city.
(c) They were playing the match fairly.
(d) I was watching the match.
(e) Mother was cooking vegetables.
(f) I was enjoying the day.
(g) The birds were building a nest in the oak tree.
(h) I was riding the horse.
(i) Saina was playing golf.
(j) I was learning swimming.



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